Examples Of Healthy Eating For Wellness Essay

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Healthy Eating for Wellness
It is a normal saying that “We are what we eat, how we exercise, how we sleep, and how we interact with our environment”. These variables ultimately determine the condition of our physical self. And our physical self, of course, greatly affects the capacity to express ourselves on other levels of our being.
The link between immunity and longevity is getting stronger. Most of us know that we should eat right because it can help us maintain our ideal weight, avoid many health problems, greatly improve our mood, and generally improve our wellbeing. Still, many times our diet is full of processed foods, packaged meals, sugary and/or salty snacks, and takeaway food. Research confirms that an unhealthy diet can even lead …show more content…

And, our lifestyle plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of our immune system. We need to look at some of the major factors to strengthen our immunity: guard against stress, quit smoking, do regular exercises, avoid antibiotics, develop positive emotions, socialise, fresh air breathing, sleeping appropriately, and of course watch what we eat.
Some tips for healthy eating
We need to examine how our diet is enhancing or undermining our overall wellness – and what we need to change. We may encounter many obstacles to implement the changes, but we will have to work through these in a deliberate manner.
 Eat foods that are as close to the raw (unprocessed) state as possible. The fresh fruits and vegetables are shown to have more of the helpful nutrients our body needs, and can absorb better than packaged, de-natured foods with ingredients (mainly synthetic chemicals, with supplements added).
 Eat mindfully. This involves not only eating slowly (so that our stomach has the requisite time to send a message to our brain that it is full), but also focusing on the food. For sure, our television, phone, computer, and other such devices should be turned off or not be in our hands at eating …show more content…

Protein is the basic building block in a healthy diet. It has an important role of cell repair, cell regeneration, hormone production, and blood sugar management.
 Control fats! “Bad fats” such as the trans-fats found in most takeaway meals, processed foods, margarines, biscuits, and snack & fried foods should be avoided. These increase the risk of heart, stroke, and other “killer” diseases. “Good fats” include mono-unsaturated fats as found in nuts, walnuts, avocados, seeds, fatty fish and flaxseed, and hence strongly recommended.
 Eat a variety of foods, but aim to feel just satisfied rather than stuffed. “Portion control” strategy can be adopted by making it a practice to eat on smaller plates.
 Enjoy the foods we love occasionally. Instead of saying that any food is completely off-limits, we can try to eat a little bit of what we love as an occasional treat. We may indulge sometimes only, while maintaining our healthier habits as a regular lifestyle.
 Eat when hungry. Instead of eating all through the day, we could wait to eat when we are actually hungry. However, if we get too hungry, our blood sugar may swing wildly causing intense/ unhealthy cravings. A moderate hunger is the

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