Examples Of Gender Stereotypes In Mean Girls

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"Boys have more freedom from the negative effects of gender stereotyping than girls have."

As a thirteen year old boy living in New York City my experiences have led me to believe that boys do have more freedom from the negative effects of gender stereotyping than girls have. Some examples of the stereotypes used to describe boys/men are All men enjoy working on cars, men are not nurses, they are doctors, men do "dirty jobs" such as construction and mechanics; they are not secretaries, teachers, or cosmetologists. While these are stereotypes that are not always true they don’t do significant harm to the male gender as a whole. Female stereotypes include that women are supposed to look pretty and be looked at, women are supposed to make less money than men, and women are supposed to have "clean jobs" such as secretaries, teachers, and librarians. The difference between typical male stereotypes and female stereotypes is that for females, the supposed gender roles are enforced more rigidly and are overall more extreme. …show more content…

Although these typical feminine stereotypes are there for comedic purpose it shows how actual females would be like if all the assumptions were accurate. At any convenience store a large amount of the magazines have a scandalously dressed woman on the cover. Whether this person is a celebrity or not they are using their unrealistically beautiful image to draw on viewers. This puts pressure on girls of all ages to try to look like those people on the covers when in reality. no one looks like them. Even the girls on the cover don’t actually look like that. The women have been altered and are wearing more makeup that some will wear in their entire

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