Examples Of Evolutionary Mismatch

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Evolutionary Mismatch

An evolutionary mismatch that is well known in today’s society is the tendencies of exercising. The traits that allowed for strong, healthy bodies was quite beneficial in environments that we not so heavily involved in technology. For example, with the development of cars and main form of exercise to be in gyms made the ability to exercise maladaptive in current human environments. In a more illustration sense it can be viewed as our ancestors would go everywhere they needed by foot, made all their necessities such as housing with the most simple tools, had work that demanded much more physical build, and more. Now humans have cars, bikes, complex tools and technology, office jobs that call for sitting most of the day. The human body only truly goes through proper exercise routines when it is voluntary. For our ancestors running, walking, lifting and more was a normal action that was a great deal of survival. In modern day technology is so advanced we can lives our lives in the most inactive way possible. As this may feel easier and better now, our build is not suited for this lifestyle and can be a curse in disguise. …show more content…

Human ancestors went through extensive processes to obtain food and often ran into famine due to low access to food. This relates to exercise because a large part of finding food was going out and hunting it for yourself and your family. In a video we watched clips on in lab class we see hunter gather males go on extensive journeys to find meat and food for family or community. It was even said they travel around 6 or more miles by foot to find just their meals. Along with the women, they would spend their time roaming about the habitat to find berries and other fruits for the

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