Examples Of Corruption In The Holocaust

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Corruption is everywhere, whether it’s in politics or in your household, corruption follows in your everyday life. During the Holocaust, all the prisoners and the Germans in charge did everything in their power to survive, or rather get as much wealth as they can get through gaining certain authority to become seen more as a respectable human than an animal. Many may view corruption as horrible deed that should never cross anyone’s head, but during dark times like the Holocaust, corruption is a way to survive. It’s awful, but so is watching your family, or friends, being killed right in front of you as you watch and stay silent because you know you will get killed for disobeying. Excellent examples that show the violence and the unhuman actions …show more content…

He even talked about how they are ‘His’ Jews and that losing the Jews that used to work in his company is ‘bad for the company’. Schindler tried so hard to get his business back and running because he wanted wealth and he wanted the fame of ‘doing something amazing’. He knew that losing those Jews would stop his business and he would lose another business, which shows how corrupt Schindler was. ‘Night’ also has some corruption from wealth. When Elie was sent to the dentist’s office even though he had no toothache nor problems with his teeth, he was told by a dentist that his gold tooth has to be taken out immediately. Elie decided then to not let him have his tooth and told the dentist that he wasn’t feeling well. A couple of days later, the dentist was hanged. Turns out that the dentist was taking out prisoner’s gold teeth for his own benefit. Power can play a big part in someone’s life. Some might control the power and use it only for good deeds, while some might use it to get something out of it, but that power can later on lead to …show more content…

Whether it’s the Nazi guards or the prisoners who are in charge of block cells, they still get get overwhelmed with the power. One of the prisoners who was in charge of a block cell used his authority to get Elie’s gold tooth. Elie had first refused to give him the gold tooth, knowing that giving the man a gold tooth will help him survive throughout the time in the camp. But the man found a way to get through Elie; his father. Elie’s father had trouble marching on step so when Elie’s father didn’t march on step, the man would hit Elie’s father. Elie tried to give his father marching lessons but they did not help. The beatings continue until Elie finally breaks through and told the man that he can have his gold tooth. Instead of just the gold tooth just given, the man told Elie to pay for his own gold tooth to be taken out. A ration of bread so that his golden tooth is taken

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