Example Of Journal Article Analysis

858 Words2 Pages

Rachel Isaacs
Dr. Prof. Gartner
04 October 2014
Journal Article Review
Gremyachkin, V. M. "Internal Reaction in the Combustion of a Porous Carbon Particle in Air." Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves 49.5 (2013): 536-40. Web.
Kinetic equations are utilized in this article to describe the dependence of the reaction between carbon and oxygen atoms and their environment. The research is trying to answer how the reaction area affects porous particles, especially carbon in this research article. Carbon combusts in two different modes, high-rate and low-rate. The high-rate combustion of the homogeneous reaction consumes the oxygen particles above the surface of the particle. The heterogeneous reaction inside the particle is endothermic, meaning that heat is absorbed thus decreasing the particle temperature resulting in a higher rate of combustion. The low-rate combustion does not allow the homogeneous reaction to happen, but instead only the heterogeneous reaction inside the particle, concluding that a higher temperature increases the rate of combustion. …show more content…

Several complex formulas were derived to calculate gas flow, pressure inside the porous particle, oxygen diffusion, rate of carbon consumption inside the particle, equilibrium of the homogeneous reaction, temperature variation, kinetic equation of the heterogeneous reaction, dependence of low-rate combustion, continuity, pressure during combustion, oxygen diffusion, and the temperature dependence of the rate of oxygen reaction with carbon (Gremyachkin). The major results of this study was how someone can obtain the dependence of the internal surface combustion rate by using a lower activation energy. Gremyachkin learned a more accurate way to determine the combustion rate

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