Example Of Conservatism

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1) Survey: I actually took the survey twice. My first time, I put down my first thought or impression. The second time, I started trying to read between the lines. The results were very different. My initial survey was seventeen agrees and four disagrees. The second time resulted in eight agrees to thirteen disagrees. With that being said, I do not know what that says for me. To interpret my results, I turned to the book. Based on its descriptions of liberal and conservatism, I can at least attest to the truth that I am a conservative. Yes, I was raised with that influence, but I truly support the majority of how the book defines conservatism. Its points on government regulations on business, social policy, and international policy line up …show more content…

Anytime someone offers a new twist on how to handle American interests, people will take note. Billionaire businessman, Donald Trump, has taken the Republican lead by storm. According to a recent New York Times/CBS News Poll (September 15, 2015), Republicans increasingly think that Donald J. Trump has the best chance of winning the 2016 presidential election while “traditional” politicians chances appear to be fading. Many Republicans have reservations about Trump, but he is still strong in the poles. Why? I think the operative word is “traditional.” Trump offers leadership experience as opposed to political experience. There are those who believe that Trump is the best choice to lead America and “those who are motivated by giddiness at the chaotic spectacle of his success.” Personally, I like Trump because he is unrehearsed with his answers. He gives his opinion from his gut and lays everything out on the table; his unpolitical correctness is what I like about him. Another reason, I believe, that he has maintained his position in the polls is his willingness to fund his own campaign. When has this happened …show more content…

is one of the defining moral issues of the era.” Even though he is a self-proclaimed democratic socialist, Sanders is gaining on Hillary Clinton. Why? Recently, in a speech in Iowa, he said, “I don’t want money from corporations, I don’t support their agenda. I don’t want money from billionaires. We’re going to win this campaign with the support of ordinary Americans.” How many candidates are bold enough to say this? According to my research, he has been consistent on issues that impact the everyday lives of real Americans as opposed to that of the superrich, thereby gaining the support of many. In addition, I think his supporters are pleased with the fact that someone can actually challenge Hillary Clinton. His appeal with those who are sick of Hillary’s ties to the Wall Street, for example, will keep him in the

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