Examining the Group Dynamics of a Team

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In the forming stage, group members at ECI are polite and enthusiastic to be involved with a potential new business opportunity. The forming stage is relatively short, mainly due to the fact that most personnel on the team have known each other for many years.
Storming is one of the more difficult stages of group development and can often lead to team tension and potential failure. Stein (2014) adds that behaviors during the Storming stage may be less polite than during the Forming stage, with frustration or disagreements about goals, expectations, roles and responsibilities being openly expressed. Members may express frustration about constraints that slow their individual or the team's progress; this frustration might be directed towards other members of the team, the team leadership or the team's sponsor. During the Storming stage, team members may argue or become critical of the team's original mission or goals. The storming stages with the team at ECI left the group frustrated and indifference about the overall direction of the potential new division.
During the norming stage, team members began to resolve the tensions and difficulties from the storming stage. The members began to cooperate and work together on a common ground. The group has encouraged open communication which results in increased productivity.
Progress is starting to be made during the performing stage of group development. The group has come to a unanimous decision that the company would best benefit by having a well pad optimization division to gain additional revenues as the construction boom declines. Stein (2014) also adds they share insights into personal and group process and are aware of their own (and each...

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