Evolving Planet Observation Report

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Evolving Planet exhibit at the Field Museum of Natural History is a great exhibit that describes the origin of our planet Earth through the evolution theory. This exhibit provides animated and hands-on features to support this theory that our planet originated around 4.5 billion years ago and the history of our planet expanding across several eras and periods attributing to the existence of evolution. Evolving Planet is a vibrant, fun and comprehensive experience with the mission to compel its audience in believing in evolution through hands-on interactive displays, fascinating historical fossils, recreated sceneries and dinosaurs – all used to tell the story of how our planet evolved. Evolution has explained the biological, chemical, …show more content…

These eras and periods are considered as the blueprints chronologically ordering the evolution of life on our planet. The exhibit includes some interesting themes and artifacts to support each period. “Early Earth” section of the exhibit highlights the beginning of life, the Precambrian period, dating back to 4.5 billion years ago. During this time it is suggested that meteorites and exploded volcanoes created a harsh environment consisting of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water vapor and very high temperatures (120 F) intolerable by humans. The exploded lava cooled and created the first continents, while the steam vapor from volcanos condensed leading to heavy rains to produce the original ocean which was shallow. So, how did life begin within this harsh environment? Since we know that life forms exist by basic chemical molecules that contains carbon; two theories are proposed to explain how we go from nothing to the origin of life. The first theory suggest that organic compounds (chemical compounds that contain carbon) formed on Earth through underwater thermal vents. The second theory suggest that organic compounds were formulated on Earth via meteorites that hit Earth from outer space. The key evolutionary essentials in this period were: the expansion of photosynthetic organism and the development of sexual reproduction. If these theories are both true, the million dollar question still remains—where did these ancient volcanos and meteorites originate? The Evolving Planet exhibit failed to answer this question suggesting that God caused these

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