Forty percent of the American population believe in Young Earth creationism. There are many different types of creationism. Young Earth creationism is the literal interpretation of genesis that states that the universe was created through an act of god 10,000 or fewer years ago. Whereas evolution is the theory that all life evolved from a single organism and the changes that take place in organisms. There are many famous debates over this topic as well.
The arguments that many Young Earth Creationists make for their belief and against evolution are that fossils were created through the great Flood, the literal belief in Genesis, and that radiocarbon dating used in Evolution is too imprecise to prove that the Earth is older than 10,000 years.
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An article on states that the “catastrophic Flood was responsible for most (but not all) of the rock layers and fossils”(Dr. Terry Mortensen). The animals not on Noah’s Ark all died and supposedly are the source of almost all of the fossils on Earth. Young Earth Creationists also argue that “no one can prove how young (or old) the universe is”(Dr. Terry Mortensen), except for God. The Young Earth Creationists belief is mainly based on faith. Due to the lack of scientific evidence for most of their beliefs, Young Earth Creationists rely on God or pseudoscience to explain most of their beliefs. Another argument they make is that the bible, specifically Genesis, states that the Earth, the Universe, and all life on Earth were created by God in 6--24 hour days. One argument that is often repeated is that radiometric dating is too imprecise to definitely prove that the Earth is billions of years old. Young Earth Creationists say that the dating methods are “based on assumptions about events that happened in the past.”(Mike Riddle), and that if these assumptions are thought of as true, then the “results will be biased towards a desired age.”(Mike Riddle). There are a lot of debates Shaver 3 between people who believe in Evolution vs Creationism, but as long as their belief isn’t hurting anybody then what they believe in doesn’t really matter. Evolution is widely accepted as a fact, and one of the main points of controversy is whether or not God put it into place.
The main arguments in Evolution is the theory of natural selection, radiometric dating, and adaptation. The four parts to the theory of natural selection are that more individuals are produced each generation that can survive, phenotypic variation exists among individuals and the variation is heritable, those individuals with heritable traits better suited to the environment will survive, when reproductive isolation occurs new species will form. In simpler terms, this means that the organisms that are better suited to their environment will survive, animals have different genes and these genes change and can be inherited, and when one species is separated into two physically blocked areas, they will form new species. Radiometric dating as stated by Dr. Roger C. Wiens is “the process of determining the age of rocks from the decay of their radioactive elements”. This works through something called the half life of radioactive materials. The half life of radioactive materials is the amount of time it takes for radioactivity to fall to half of its original value. In simple terms, they measure how much a radioactive material has decayed and they get the age from that. Adaptation is similar to one of the four parts of natural selection. Adaptation of organisms is the variation among individuals in a species. The change from the parents to the offspring to better fit their ecological zone, is adaptation. Those are the three major facts that prove
Evolution. Shaver 4 One of the most recent, and most famous, debates over Creationism versus Evolution is the Ken Ham vs Bill Nye debate that happened on January 15th of 2014. It was widely publicised and caused more than quite a bit of controversy. It was held at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky. According to an article by, “A minimum of three million viewers watched last night’s evolution/creation live debate between “Bill Nye the Science Guy and Ken Ham”, and the video on youtube currently has around 6 million views. Bill Nye cited radiometric dating, ice core data, and the light from different stars to argue a point that the Earth is much older than Ham says it was. Ken Ham made his argument behind a literal biblical view of the bible, testimonies of scientists, and a distinction between historical and observational science. Bill Nye used radiometric dating showing how far back we have dated rocks and used that as evidence for his argument. The layers and layers of frozen water in places like Antarctica work similar to a tree. The rings, or layers in this case, show the age of the ice and Nye also used this as evidence in his case. Bill Nye argued that if Ken Ham’s argument of the world only being 6,000 years old was true, then we would should not be able to detect light from stars light years away from Earth that should have taken way more than 6,000 years to reach us. One of Ken Ham’s first points were that there are a multitude of scientists that are biblical Creationists that are also scientists, and the testified that from their research, biblical Creationism is the only viable model of our origins made by observational science. Ham also referred to Genesis and the statements made about the Flood in that chapter citing them as historical evidence. Ham constantly made the distinction between historical science and observational science, which Nye noted is something unique to Ham’s followers, and he made this distinction to say that his view was based off of observational science and Evolution was Shaver 5 based off of historical science, which according to him is not reliable. There was no clear winner of this debate. There were a multitude of websites, all saying something different. The controversial topic of our origins and whether or not it follows Evolution or Creationism is a topic that may never be resolved. There have been many different debates over this and none have resulted in an agreed winner. Both points of view have their own arguments and explanations for their beliefs. To conclude, there are many different beliefs and everyone is entitled to their own.
Evolution is deemed as being scientific because it is testable and correctable, unlike creationism which deals with “God’s will,” an unchanging and set in stone philosophy that contradicts any scientific notion it attempts to deliver. Evolution is the scientific explanation to how organisms developed the forms and functions
""Don't Call Us Young-earth Creationists . . ."" Answers in Genesis. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 May 2014.
Long, J. (n.d.). - Creation vs Evolution - Carbon Dating: It Doesn't Prove An Old Earth. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Aug. 2015].
Scientists have gathered the evidence for evolutionary change, but the evidence appears to light by means of fossils (paleontology) and the rock record (ge...
happen? If not, then why should science teachers teach that life evolved over billions of
In 1859, Charles Darwin published his groundbreaking Origin of Species, which would introduce the seminal theory of evolution to the scientific community. Over 150 years later, the majority of scientists have come to a consensus in agreement with this theory, citing evidence in newer scientific research. In an average high school biology classroom, one may imagine an instructor that has devoted much of his life to science and a predominantly Christian class of about twenty-five students. On the topic of evolution, one of the students might ask, “Why would God have taken the long route by creating us through billion years of evolution?” while another student may claim “The Book of Genesis clearly says that the earth along with all living creatures was created in just six days, and Biblical dating has proven that the earth is only 6000 years old.” Finally a third student interjects with the remark “maybe the Bible really is just a book, and besides, science has basically already proven that evolution happened, and is continuing to happen as we speak.”
The first type of evidence that I believe supports evolution is the homologous structures. This could also be known as the genes of species. This can be proved through different fossils being compared to modern species. Through the process of looking at the genes, finding sequences of genes show that evolution can happen. From finding the sequence of genes, this shows that the species will have common ancestry but may be different species or have different characteristics. This idea can prove evolution.
The findings of the last 50 years both deny the possibility of Darwin's theory and make a very good case for creationism. Creationism is the belief that all of life came into being suddenly, that it still exists in much the same form, and that the earth is much younger than Darwin thought.
In the history of science vs. religion there have been no issues more intensely debated than evolution vs. creationism. The issue is passionately debated since the majority of evidence is in favor of evolution, but the creation point of view can never be proved wrong because of religious belief. Human creation breaks down into three simple beliefs; creation theory, naturalistic evolution theory, and theistic evolution theory. The complexities of all three sides create a dilemma for what theory to support among all people, religious and non-religious.
Fossils are commonly thought to be the “evidence for evolution” but there is so much more. Use examples to illustrate one of these other lines of evidence, being explicit in how it relates to the tree-like branching pattern of evolution. The molecular record is another line of evidence for evolution. Molecular records show a stronger evidence for evolution by comparing the DNA of different species. Even though fossils that are similar gives a physical relation to another, species DNA show more similarities. For example humans and chimpanzees are similar in appearance, structure but are more closely related by DNA. Humans are Primates right along with the great apes, one of the main individuals of the primate evolutionary tree. The Smithsonian
Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (CSB, 2017). This view claims God as the creator of life and the earth. It follows the belief that the world was created in 6 literal 24 hour days as mentioned in the Bible. According to this view the earth is relatively young about 6 to ten thousand years old. Ross (2015) says there are several beliefs young earth creationist
The Evolution Creationist believes that the bible contains ancient science. It shows that there is a connection between science and God. They are saying that a God builds or guides through science; there is a natural revelation. If you analyze Genesis 1 – 11, you can observe that contains features of ancient science structure, operation, and origin of the universe and life. This part really shows or offers historical record of actual events. As said earlier, the ...
There is a lot of evidence to support the theory of evolution and that geography has an effect on the evolution of species. Many scientists have proved that evolution does occur and that species do change over a period of time
Young Earth Creationism Young Earth Creationism is the notion that the created world is not the billions of years old that many people believe it to be. Young Earth Creationists believe that the earth is instead approximately 6,000 – 10,000 years old, a large difference to billions of years. Along with this they believe that that Biblical Creation was done in the literal time of six days, no more no less. Evidence for Young Earth Creationism can be found through the dating of certain matter such as the oldest trees (by their rings), the Sahara Desert and the Great Barrier Reef (by growth) and finding them all to be under 5,000 years old. Along with these there are many other evidences such as the amount of salt in the oceans, declining
Creationist science is a branch of Creationism, which believes that the world was created and designed by the biblical God of Genesis. They believe that “the days of Genesis ought to be taken literally as seven 24 hour days, and that the theory of evolution by natural selection, and the big bang theory, are [fundamentally] incompatible with the story of creation” (277). In Creationist science, Creationism is seen as a scientific theory and, biblical scripture is used as textual proof for their claims. One of its many flaws is how it fails to account for the tremendous breadth and depth of phenomena that the evolution theory has been unable to adequately explain. It is an extremely fragile theoretical apparatus when compared to evolution.