Evolution Of Information Technology Essay

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Information Technology has been the one of the most evolved forms of communication for the last century. It never gets old and continues to amaze us on how much more we can communicate with one another and intertwine into other users lives. The business world has benefited immensely with the exploration of making daily task simpler and reaching more users. Information Technology is a catch 22, it brings forth so much beauty with its innovative ways but, causes so much pain to the traditional relationships once used by humans.
Evolution and Application of Information Technology in Business The use of Information Technology has been around since the very beginning of time to store data. The use of paper to pen (ink pen) to store data for businesses was a form of data storage prior to the use of computers. Now the major evolution came with the development of the ENIAC created by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert in 1946. The ENIAC system was tremendously faster than any developed computer before that time. As years passed the development of computers created more opportunity for companies to …show more content…

The personal relationship built with one’s computer can diminish the traditional relationship with human beings. I personally work in an organization that uses an intranet and personal database to recruit and select new applicants. I used this database every day, 8 hours straight and can lose track of time when dealing with special projects. Different times I found colleagues asking me questions pertaining to the job and not being able to respond due to being wrapped into the computer. I had to take a minute to regroup and ask them to repeat the questions they were asking in order to be able to answer them. I feel this disconnection is a huge cost that cost my cognitive response time to slow down and diminish my social skills with my

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