Evidence Based Practice In Nursing Essay

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The most critical attribute a nursing student must possess is the ability to care without any limitations. Some great examples are located in the [Nurses Journal Welch, S. (2015). Lived Experience of Nursing Faculty who Received Caring From Nursing Students. International Journal For Human Caring, 19(2), 29-34 6p.] Imagine the world without people who cared. How much different would life be? That is how significant caring is for the nursing field. Patients deserve every bit of the best care they can receive. It is the nursing student’s job to make sure they understand this before stepping out into their new demanding career. “Over two-thirds expressed caring as an essential nursing characteristic” stated Rhodes, M., Morris, A., Lazenby, R. (February 25, 2011).
The Ultimate Nurse
Nurses are some of the most trained and professional people in the world. They are required to endure a substantial amount of work before they enter into the medical environment. This is for many of reasons, but the most important is that Nurses handle the lives of others in the palm of their hands. Some of them …show more content…

Stevens, EdD, RN, ANEF, FAAN “The impact of evidence-based practice (EBP) has echoed across nursing practice, education, and science. The call for evidence-based quality improvement and healthcare transformation underscores the need for redesigning care that is effective, safe, and efficient”. Research has proven that the quality of the patient’s care is significant to their health. In order for a patient to improve, they will need constant supervision, people who are looking for the best possible solution to the problem. Working as a team is also very important for other nurses who are trying but not succeeding in finding the answers. When you have a strong, hardworking, and dedicated group of individuals all looking for a solution they will definitely reach their goal one way or

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