Every kid a winner

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As a kid did you receive a trophy for an organized sport that wasn’t based on overall team performance? I have received awards for every sport I’ve competed in, but the rewards weren’t as significant in high school compared to my younger years of sport participation. In sixth grade, I played Pop Warner football under my churches organization. As the youth football season progressed, our team failed to prevail in victory in eleven straight games. At the conclusion of the regular season bearing a zero win record, my team was invited to participate in the playoffs. At the time of the invitation there was a sense of confusion, but it was followed with a sigh of relief. In conjunction of the season’s finale our team bolstered a disappointing zero and twelve record, but I nevertheless received an award for my participation.The following year was a similar circumstance with my middle school football team achieving a one and nine record, as we still received awards and gratification for our work. These instances showed me as a child that my hard work will always be valued. Most parents including mine were disappointed with the team’s record but always congratulated us on are accomplishments. I agree with youth sport organization’s philosophy of “every kid is a winner”, because it helps create a strong work ethic and develop characteristics for success.
Opposing viewpoints may be chosen because of award disbursement changes as children progress through school and harsh results of societal competition. The general societal outlook is that personal work is overlooked and everything is only about winning. The stereotypical view of success is that it’s only determined by winning and dominating the competition. Most sport media commercial theme...

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...ork towards. In the ultimate conclusion, the philosophy helps children with their development of the characteristics resulted from sport participation and increase of work ethic.
I believe the philosophy of “every kid is a winner” is a necessary characteristic of youth sport organizations. People may have arguments about the philosophy, but they come up short, especially in consideration of the indirect results of the philosophies inclusion. It shows competitors that hard work is valued and helps children cope with defeat by offering a reward, giving incentive to continue working towards their goals. I’ve experienced the philosophy throughout my life and it helped me develop my character and a great work ethic. The organizations are making the right decisions and in result, children may develop a strong work ethic, plus the characteristics needed to achieve success.

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