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Importance Of Assessment To Teachers And Learners
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Importance Of Assessment To Teachers And Learners
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“Every phase of instruction must be accompanied by a means of checking for understanding” (Fisher & Frey, 2008, p. 37). I have realized that assessing students’ understanding of the concept on which the lesson is based is a critical step in determining the flow of the lesson. A quick recap in the form of questions and answers works well for me to not only correct misconceptions but also improve learning as it helps the students connect the day’s lesson with previous learning. In my experience, all assessment may not count towards a grade but there should be feedback for learners as well as us facilitators to know where they stand with respect to achieving the lesson objectives. “Students achieve more when they have a clear picture of the expectations” …show more content…
I need to further strengthen my assessment strategy for collaborative learning strategies to cover individual assessment as well. In today class, I gave an exit slip which helped me assess the individual. “Ultimately, for students to attain high levels of achievement, they need to be able to self-assess” (Orlich, et al., 2010, p. 329). During my classes in CIDTL, I have got to know that when students learn to self-assess they begin to understand the reason why they are learning which helps them understand what has to be done to achieve the goal. I gave a simple rubric to students for their self-assessment. I have come to realize that “collaborative learning provides a critical bridge in student learning because it allows novice learners to refine their thinking about new concepts and skills” (Fisher & Frey, 2008, p. 85). As I have started this journey, I feel that my students are getting the skills required for collaborative learning. In the rubric I also included the group work skills so that what is expected from them as individuals in a group is …show more content…
5). I believe that students should be given an opportunity to learn and demonstrate their knowledge in a variety of ways. The manner in which the students interacted during the group activity opened my eyes. The main reason that the lesson went well was that I had grouped the students well as per their predominant intelligence which ensured that each student was engaged in the given activity. I had never seen them this enthusiastic to perform a task! Asking them to pick a group leader was something which had worked well earlier as I have seen that this helps me classroom management when I am providing scaffolding to other students. However, while assessing individual contribution towards the group task, I realized that a few students had not participated enough. Next time, as suggested by the experienced practitioner, I would emphasise individual contribution using different methods like designing tasks in a different way or including points for full
In conclusion I feel that using effective assessment methods throughout any course allows tutors to give feedback at the right time to allow the correct progress for the learners to achieve. I have experienced feedback many times as coach and more recently as a teacher and feel it has only helped me to improve and to keep wanting to improve so I can inspire others to achieve.
The students worked diligently and produced some great work, however, one thing that may be helpful during the next implementation of this lesson may be to group students, specifically, to mix skill levels. The teacher candidate noticed that most students chose to sit with their friends, most being on the same level of academic ability, leading to students getting off task or misunderstanding directions. If the students were assigned to groups that contained a diverse collection of skill levels then, they could use their strengths and weaknesses to learn from one
Part II-----The classroom setting and arrangement was a little different specifically for my social studies students. Our classroom is a computer lab so every student had his or her own computer. It is a little different then the normal classroom setting, they are used for the core classes. There are some positive and negatives for this setting. Some positives are students are able to use the computer for every single assignment and have the help of technology at every step. Technology was helpful because students could use spell check for incorrect words, it could be used many times for Google translate. There are many different websites that can read the text for you. Some of the negatives is they do not have the benefit of sitting in a group and collaborating in talking in the way I would want them to. When grouping students for collaborative discussions and assignments I am required that we group
The time I received feedback was on a paper during my undergraduate year. The paper was a personal reflection based on a prompt. I went to the professor’s office for clarity about the grade that I received on the paper. The feedback I receive is that I did not go deep enough with the paper. I did not agree with the feedback because I felt if the paper I wrote was based on my personal experience therefore I went deep enough as I can with the paper. She also stated that I needed to improve on my grammar. For instance, she suggested that I go to the writing center to improve on my paper. My reaction was to be shocked about the feedback. I went to the office expecting positive feedback about my paper not to be criticized about my writing. My reaction was denial and rejection because I did not agree to what the professor pointed out about the assignment. I tried to explain my position on the paper without listening to the feedback. My internal reaction was to be upset about the negative feedback because I did not think that the feedback was constructive at the time. My external reaction was to be defensive because I thought I did a good job on the paper. I did not actively listen to the professor feedback but I focused on my own feelings and thoughts. For instance, I questioned and dismissed my professor’s feedback.
Regular use of formative assessment improves student learning as instruction can be adjusted based on students’ progress and teachers are able to modify instructions to cater to students’ individual needs (Black & Wiliam, 2010; Taylor-Cox, & Oberdorf, 2013). Various forms of informal and formal formative assessment methods are conducted as learning takes place, continuously through teacher observations, questioning through individual interactions, group discussions and open-ended tasks (McMillan, 2011). tests can tell us a lot about students and be used to inform and guide teaching, rather than simply to determine grades. Teachers can learn a lot from test results if they analyse the data generated to inform their teaching and learning programs (Perso, 2009). However, high stakes tests may result in students becoming stressed, leading to misreading questions, careless working and incomplete answers (Booker et al., 2010).
Assessments allow for teachers to monitor the progress and growth of his/her students, help engage students and help guide teachers as well as students in their decision making. Teachers should know that tests are not the only way to assess students in the classroom. It is important for educators constantly assess their students on comprehension and progression.Teachers can take use of both formal and informal assessments so that they can engage students in their own learning, as well as monitor their comprehension and progress.
Cooperative learning and feedback are also key strategies within this instructional unit. Students will use rubrics, a form of feedback, to observe each other’s performance. Students will then discuss the rubric with the peer observed in order to praise correct techniques demonstrated.
Through assessment students and teachers are able to determine the level of mastery a student has achieved with standards taught. Both formative and summative assessment should be purposeful and targeted to gain the most accurate data to drive further instruction (Ainsworth, 2010). While this syllabus does a good job of identifying the need for both formal and informal assessments, the way in which this is communicated does not provide enough detail for understanding. Simply listing assessment types does not give any insight into how these assessments fit in the learning process of this course. While some of the assessments mentioned could be common assessments chosen by the school or district to gain insight into the effectiveness of instruction, the inclusion of authentic assessments is most beneficial to students and demonstrates learning in a context closer to that of a work environment (Rovai, 2004). Unfortunately, this particular course, according to this syllabus, relies heavily on quizzes and traditional tests and essays to form the bulk of assessment opportunities. While other activities, such as formative assessments, journaling and discussions are mentioned as possible avenues for scoring, they are given a very low percentage of the overall grade. This shows that they are not valued for their ability to show progression and mastery. If this is indeed the case, this puts the students as a
As teachers, we have to monitor the progress our students make each day, week, quarter and year. Classroom assessments are one of the most crucial educational tools for teachers. When assessments are properly developed and interpreted, they can help teachers better understand their students learning progress and needs, by providing the resources to collect evidence that indicates what information their students know and what skills they can perform. Assessments help teachers to not only identify and monitor learners’ strengths, weaknesses, learning and progress but also help them to better plan and conduct instruction. For these reasons, ongoing classroom assessment is the glue that binds teaching and learning together and allows educators to monitor their efficacy and student learning.
In the beginning I was hesitant of having four first graders working together to decide and agree on five items. While walking around and checking in with the groups I realized the students were working together and were talking through the ideas together. I thought this aspect of the lesson was a success because the students are in groups of higher-level students and lower-level students, as I walked around I heard the lower level students explaining their thinking and teaching the higher-level
During my lesson, I used two instructional strategies. I used engagement and then collaborative learning. During my lesson, I didn’t have to correct any behaviors so this lets me know my students were focused on learning and engaged while I was teaching. My lesson was designed to be as engaging as possible and at the end several students said they enjoyed the lesson and they were able to tell me which way to move for one less, one more, ten less, and ten more. The use of collaborative learning promoting a lot of discussion which helped the students learn from others and work together to reach their learning goals. The learning activities used during the lesson were successful in facilitating student learning because the students’ successfully
A lot of students benefit from structure, and we were able to do this in our lessons, especially the second. We learned from some mistakes in the first lesson and did things like display the groups on the smartboard, use the timer more, and have more positive attitudes. Our demeanor, actions, and reactions have proven to have an impact on the classroom environment and individual students. My group and I will make sure to be aware of these different factors while teacher our future lessons, and continue to improve upon
As I reflect on my past assessment process, I realized how much my assessments have changed over the years. In my early years, I used tests for informational recall as my assessments. I felt these were appropriate guidelines in which I needed to follow in order to substantiate a student’s grade. Every assignment or tests was given a point value and then based on the amount of points, a grade was given. Every student’s assessment was exactly the same, and the assessments did not contain any subjectivity. I felt confident in giving the grade based on a valid point system. However reflecting back, I see that I did not include any performance-based assessments or individual learning styles in my early assessment. I also did not take into consideration the individual needs of my students. My assessment approach was awful. I am embarrassed that I use to assess students in this manner.
Assessing student understanding is important but as a teacher you need to provide feedbacks to the students. During my lesson, I allowed the student to ask questions and tried to answer each individual’s answer right away. Since my students are not able to read or write I had to provide feedbacks by verbally.
In the process of completing this coursework, I have realised that every teacher should be all-rounded and equipped with adequate skills of educating others as well as self-learning. As a future educator, we need make sure that our knowledge is always up-to-date and applicable in the process of teaching and learning from time to time. With these skills, we will be able to improvise and improve the lesson and therefore boost the competency of pupils in the process of learning. In the process of planning a lesson, I have changed my perception on lesson planning from the student’s desk to the teacher’s desk. I have taken the responsibility as a teacher to plan a whole 60-minutes lesson with my group members. This coursework has given me an opportunity