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Ethics in the workplace
Ethical issues in the workplace
Ethics in the workplace
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In the paper below, I will outline an ethics violation that occurred where I work and give the outcome of the ethics violation based on the ethics code that is in place at EDMC. In addition, I will take one through the steps that EDMC has developed to report a violation and the way that one can also report the violation if they do not get closure when going through the proper channels.
Ethical Case
When working for any corporation it is very important, that one reads and understands the company's ethics policy of the company where they are employed.
The story that I am about to tell is what happens when one does not have a clear understanding of the ethics policy and unknowingly violates the policy.
T was a custodian that worked for the university for 7 years. He was a hard worker that was diligent about doing his job. When I managed the bookstore, he would come by often just to say hello. He was a single father that had several children and he worked hard to make ends meet for his family.
He came into work on a Saturday to clean the carpets for the college and on his way to his car in the parking lot and came across a distraught student who had locked her keys in her car. She said that she could not get a hold of her parents and did not have enough money to call a company to unlock the door. She was very upset as she was new to town and did not know anyone therefore she was afraid that she would be left in the parking lot until she could locate her parents to pay for the car to be unlocked.
T not understanding the ethics policy told the student that he could unlock her car for her and she agreed, saying she would pay him the thirty dollars that she had in her possession. He proceeded to unlock the car for her,...
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...nk for bringing it to the attention of the college.
As one can see, the way that T's violation was handled was clearly in line with the ways ethics violations are to address in the Employee Code of Ethics Document. The proper chain of command was followed and Human Resources were contacted to evaluate the situation before a decision was made on how to handle the violation. The steps taken by South University prove that they take the code of ethics seriously and are committed to protecting the student against this type of violation and preventing the damage that it may have caused to the college's reputation. The way in which the situation was handled speaks volumes about the ethics and integrity of EDMC and South University.
Works Cited
EDMC. (2014). Business ethics policy and code of conduct. Retrieved from http://www.edmc.edu/pdf/code-of-conduct.pdf
The popular sitcom that is now one of today’s pop culture`s favorites, is based on the original British sitcom The Office and later began to air on NBC. With characters that are relatable to any office environment, The Office does cause many to question the violation of ethics in this sitcom. The show features Michael Scott the manager at Dunder Mifflin, who is the center of many questionable actions. Because every show needs a good love story; Pam and Jim are introduced as the office lovers who win the award for “relationship goals”. Besides the main characters, the cast consists of unmotivated employees.
The importance of having a code of ethics is to define acceptable behaviors and promote higher standards of practice within a company. The code should provide a benchmark for...
Ferrell, O. C., Fraedrich, J., & Ferrell, L. (2011). Business ethics: Ethical decision making and cases: 2011 custom edition (8th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.
Unlawful Acts. Educators should demonstrate ethical conduct inclusive of adhering to local, federal, state laws and statues. Unethical conduct includes any criminal act whether commission or conviction of felony.
Ethics in business is a highly important concept, as it can affect a company’s profits, salaries paid to employees and CEOs, and public opinion, among many other aspects of a business. Ethics can be enforced by company policies and guidelines, set a precedent when a company is faced with an important decision, and are also evolving thanks to new technology and situations that arise due to technology usage. Businesses have a duty to maintain their ethical responsibilities and also to help their employees enforce these responsibilities in and out of the workplace. However, ethics and the foundation for them are not always black and white. There are many different ethical theories, however Utilitarianism, Kant’s Deontological ethics, and Virtue ethics are three of the most well known theories in existence. Each theory is distinct in that it has a different quality used to determine ethicality and allows for a person to choose which system of ethics works best with both the situation and his or her personal ethical preferences.
The teacher needs to consider all the potential options from an individual moral perspective. Consideration is taken for how others would react or feel as a result of an action showing good moral traits of empathy and compassion. There are three considerations where the teacher considered empathy; in the consideration of the parent’s death and the stress on the student, the fact the student came to discuss class and built a level of personal rapport and the level of embarrassment the student would feel if confronted for cheating. Consideration needs to be evaluated on whether or not to approach the student, interrupt them or have them reported.
To provide an example of a breach of ethical conduct in the workplace, we may remember the case of a financial manager in a corporation that decided not to pay overtime to some employees. After a deep outside investigation, the company was summoned with thousands of dollars to remedy the payment that was supposed to be paid to all employees who worked more than forty hours per week. Again, it is needed more than just a booklet stating that the company adheres to the code of business ethics. It is needed serious managers that can run the company with the most seriousness as possible. Consequently, any written codes of business ethics, regardless of how well it has been crafted, need people that adhere to its internal content with a serious desire to do the right thing.
In Module 1, Kindred Todd faced quite a few ethical dilemmas that included her values and technical ineptness. The first predicament was tested her personal morals and ethics. According to, Cumming and Worley, OD practitioners are dealing more and more with value conflicts with powerful outside groups (Cummings & Worley, 2008). Kindred was immediately faced with the issue of knowing what was ethically correct but being told the unethical approach was the best in order to benefit the client and her job security. Although compromising is one of the many skills of organization developers there are still morals that should be followed on each assignment. Kindred, know that deceiving the clients was unethical, took the first step to working on behalf of the client and immediately involved her superior, Larry, to resolve a potential conflict In the project. While her actions went in vain when she told her boss to remove her from the project and provide the client with a more qualified resource, Kindred did what she thought to be the best approach.
This Code also contains guidelines to assist employees and directors in acting and making decisions on behalf of Knox consistent with these standards and avoiding conflicts of interests. No guidelines can be all-inclusive, however, responsibility for proper conduct rests with each Employee and Director. If you are faced with making a difficult decision or have questions about the applicability of the Code, you are encouraged to discuss the matter with your supervisor.
Ethics in the Workplace "Ethics are personal and, at the same time, a very public display of your attitudes and beliefs. It is because of ethical beliefs that we humans may act differently in different situations" (University of Phoenix, 2007). Poor ethical choices in the workplace can truly hurt people. Poor ethics can damage their career, happiness, and quality of life. Not only can these actions hurt the individual who has made the bad choices, but also most often it hurts the innocent.
Ethical behaviour is what all career people should aim to have. Not just the ethical attribute but exceptional behaviour with this regard.this is because in order to build a career, one must be governed by the rules of ethics to safeguard oneself and others. Ethics are essential in the workplace because a tough ethical code provides a non-threatening environment with high employee morale. The corporate social responsibility is important to everyone,therefore it should not be neglected by the employees and the organization. Ethics purely center on personal conduct. It involves personal choices that can make or break a person in the workplace or business. The major importance of having good conduct is to maintain a high level of respect not just for people but for the proffession. Most people who begin their working career have aspirations of excelling at their jobs and reaching the pinnacle of their profession while maintaining a sense of values; however employees often become blind with ambition and put aside their sense of ethics in order to obtain financial security and recognition for their efforts. There are many things that one can gain from having good behavioural ethics in the workplace. It will develop a discipline which will propel the work practices to a higher level and will help set a high standard. It will promote teamwork among the workersand will also buil...
“Ethics are defined as a set of principles of right conducts; the rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession” ( Dictionary of the Human Language, 2000). Teachers are often put in situations that require more than just knowing the basic school rules. It is within these situations, that the ethical dilemmas occur. There is not always a right way to deal with many daily problems that face educators, but there are ways to handle situations that are better then others.
Ethics in the workplace is a very important thing to have. Without a sense of ethicality in the workplace there are many things that could go wrong. You could even end up losing a job because of a lack of ethics, or other consequences could be felt due to a lack of caring or morality. The workplace is a place that you should show respect and dignity, and a deeper sense of ethics is very important in order to uphold these senses of morality. Workplace ethics, which include such things as behavior, integrity, commitment, teamwork, and other things, are important, if not required, in most workplaces and can help to improve performance and morale for workers and employers.
Ethics is the responsibility of each individual person, but starts with the CEO and the Board of Directors, setting the right tone at the top and moves down through the organization, including setting the tone in the middle. A company’s culture and ethic standards start at the top, not from the bottom. Employees will almost always behave in the manner that they think management expects them, and it is foolish for management to pretend otherwise (Scudder). One of the CEO’s most important jobs is to create, foster, and communicate the culture of the organization. Wrongdoings or improper behavior rarely occurs in a void, leaders typically know when someone is compromising the company
When I think of ethics, I think of the angel on my left shoulder telling me to do the “right” thing, and the devil on my right, tempting me to join the dark side. This scenario deals with what is “right” or what is “wrong” and where my morals will lie in the end. But who is to say what is right and wrong? Ethics is such a trivial word because every person, company, and culture has a different idea of what is considered ethical or what is considered unethical. Throughout this paper, I will address my personal view on ethics, and how I believe it effects the workplace and today’s society.