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Researchers need to apply ethical principles to their studies
Code of ethics for research
Essays on the key tenets of ethical research
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Ethical principles are the base of any case study and being able to up hold ones ethical standards is an important part of conducting a case study as well. In the first case, in which the study of the relationship between management and their employees and in the third case where the study of the relationships among a group of around 200 people in a complex, the ethical principles will be discussed. Also to be discussed will be the strategies suggest by the experts to ensure the ethical standards of the research, if those strategies were successful, if there are any alternate techniques that may have accomplished the same or better results in the studies and which of these two cases presents a more successful usage of research ethics. The …show more content…
The researcher applies and to the ethics committees and receives permission to do the study under the conditions that one, the research must be done anonymously and no records can be kept and second, one of the institutions says that the researcher must receive signed consent forms from all of the participants. The next portion says that the researcher doing the study asked the previous or original researcher what they did to overcome the situation of getting the consent forms and not keeping records, to which the response was, they encouraged the informants to sign with false names to protect their names. What are the ethical principles that are an issue from this brief over view of the …show more content…
As consent can be given in more ways than just written or verbal, another idea to protect the identities of the employees or managers taking part in the study could be to have them sign not only a consent form as asked for but also a separate contract of form that protects all parties. For example if an identity if found out by some mistake, if negative actions from the managers are taken then they would have signed a contract saying they would not take part in any negative reaction to the results. If they did react in an unfavorable manor that could be grounds to remove them from employment thus protecting employees from their
Which of the six principles in the AICPA Code of Conduct is most related to Article 1.5 of the California Accountancy Act? Explain your conclusion.
The accounting system misallocated motors from the asset manufacturing equipment to inventory. There are issues of honesty, responsibility, and professional ethics.
During the process of research, professionals collect data or identifiable private information through intervention or interaction. While this is a vital part of the scientific and medical fields, every precaution must be taken by researchers to protect the participants' rights. Ethics, outlined by the Belmont report; requirements, described by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS); and regulations, laid out by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are verified by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). This procedure assures that all human rights are safeguarded during the entire research process.
Highlight the main ethical issues that this case brings to light and critically apply :
The first case that I have chosen to analyze is case #3. The standards from the Code of Ethics that comes into play regarding this particular case would be the first and most valuable one will be commitment to client. With this code the social worker primary responsibility is to promote any type of well-being to the clients. The social worker has to remain loyal to their clients. Another standard from the Code of Ethics would be the privacy and confidentiality with this code only as a social worker you are only allow to discuss with persons who are legally incapable of giving informed consent and also their legal representative. Social workers can not disclose confidential information that could lead to identification of a client/ patient with
Healthcare ethics is defined as a system of moral principles that guide healthcare workers in making choices regarding medical care. At its core lies our attitudes regarding our personal rights and obligations we have to others. When an unprecedented situation comes into play, we rely on medical ethics to help determine an outcome that would be the best case scenario for all involved. In order to appropriately review this case study, we must first identify the key stakeholders, the ethical principles, policy implications at the federal, state, and local levels, financial implications, and a viable resolution for the situation.
To sum things up, the ethical demeanor of research involves respect for the safety and rights of subjects during the sequence of the trial. This includes protecting privacy and confidentiality, monitoring the condition of research subjects to assure their safety, terminating study participation in the case of hostile events, and notifying enrolled subjects about new risks, benefits, or other information that may bear upon subjects’ decisions to continue enrollment in the research. As new evidence shows itself, trial investigators and data safety monitoring boards (DSMBs) can alter the study plan, initiate notice of enrolled subjects, make changes to the informed consent policies, or stop the trials earlier than intended. Investigators should soon classify a technique for ensuring effective communication between the IRB and DSMB throughout these studies.
3). By receiving approval, it can be inferred that the study was ethically acceptable and the rights of the participants are protected (Houser, 2015, p. 61). To ensure human subjects are protected during research studies, researchers use three ethical principals: respect for persons, beneficence and justice (Houser, 2015, p. 52). Respect for persons protects the individuals right to make their own decisions, beneficience is do not harm, and justice provides the right for every individual who wants the opportunity to partipate in the study can (Houser, 2015, pp. 52-53). Respect for persons was protected by the researchers because they provided informed consent prior to data collection, data collection would remain confidential, and the participants can withdraw from the study at any time (Bjerknes & Bjork, 2012, p. 3). Beneficence was protected in this study because the researcher wasn’t an employee from the hospital; this allowed new nurses’ to share their perceptions freely, preventing any fear of retribution from being honest (Bjerknes & Bjork, 2012, p. 3). Justice was not clearly stated in this study because the researchers did not clearly state if the study was open to all new nurses on all the wards of the hospital (Bjerknes & Bjork, 2012, p.
In the United States, the basis for ethical protection for human research subjects in clinical research trials are outlined by the Belmont Report developed in the late 1970’s. This document, published by the Nation Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, highlights three important basic principles that are to be considered when any clinical trial will involve human research subjects. They are; respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. (Chadwick & Gunn, 2004)
...obert J.. Ethics and regulation of clinical research. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1986. Print.
Research is viewed as a scientific human endeavour that is organised according to a range of protocols, methods, guidelines and legislation (Gerrish & Lacey, 2010). Research ethics is that domain of enquiry that identifies ethical challenges with a view to developing guidelines that safeguard against any harm and protects the rights of human subjects in research (Rogers, 2008).
In the case of Joelle, this study will significantly identify the different ethical principles that can be applied in the case. In addition to it, the study will also arrive in one ethical theory that Joelle can be applied in her situation in order for her to effectively determine what she will do and if her decision and action can be considered ethical or the right thing.
The Facts: Kermit Vandivier works for B.F. Goodrich. His job assignment was to write the qualifying report on the four disk brakes for LTV Aerospace Corporation. LTV purchased aircraft brakes from B.F. Goodrich for the Air Force. Goodrich desperately wanted the contract because it guaranteed a commitment from the Air Force on future brake purchases for the A7D from them, even if they lost money on the initial contract.
For ethical issue, informed consent form will be taken from all participants. Their information will be kept confidential and anonymous. The consent form will also include description of the study, its purpose, and permission to withdraw from the study at any point of time, information about the researcher, and their signatures on that form. The survey will be on voluntary participation.
Privacy and confidentiality expectations in research are outlined in The Belmont Report through the principles of 1) Respect for Individuals