The above explored the concept of ethical leadership and how the theory has developed in modern context. Let’s now turn our attention to the core elements of ethical leadership. What does it mean to lead in an ethical manner?
Components of ethical leadership framework
The above showed how ethics and ethical behaviour could manifest in a number of different ways. The idea of ‘doing the right thing’ can depend on your approach and whether you focus on the means or the end goals, for example. Therefore, ethical leadership requires a solid framework to work. There are three core components of ethical leadership framework:
• Internal uniformity – Different elements within the organisation must be ethically consistent and not have contradictions.
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First, the leader’s ethical framework should always align with that of the organisation he or she is leading. Consider the example of having to lead an organisation that believes the leader should solely do decision-making, whereas you are a strong believer in collaboration. The ideologies will clash and cause problems. The exemption to the rule is a situation where the organisation is seeking for a leader to change the current ethical framework.
The above also points out to another important implication of ethical leadership. The leadership theory strongly encourages the leader to place the vision and mission of the organisation at the core of decision-making. Therefore, the basis for the framework and decision-making should always be accomplishing and following the organisation’s mission statement and existing framework.
The other important step is to ensure the ethical framework guiding the leadership is visible and part of the larger conversation within the company. Ethical leadership should always be explained, as well as re-examined. Subordinates have the right to understand why decisions are made the way they are and to have their own say about things. As mentioned before, ethical leadership is not a static state; therefore, different opinions and changes within the organisation will and should influence the framework and shape it to match the
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This means that ethical leadership encourages and empowers others to take the lead. It has a big mentoring component attached to it, which calls for people to experience the difficulties of leadership. The idea of this is to guarantee an organisation is never in a position where leadership is not available.
Finally, ethical framework alone won’t help achieve ethical leadership. In the theory, ethical thought must always be followed by action. Holding ethical principles is not enough to constitute to ethical leadership.
Integrating ethical leadership
In terms of integrating ethical leadership and ethical framework into an organisation, the focus on openness and communication is the key. Linda Fisher Thornton established seven practices to integrating ethical leadership into an organisation in her 2013 book 7 Lenses: Learning the Principles and Practices of Ethical Leadership.
Facing the complexity making ethical decisions bring about
As mentioned earlier, communication is key for ethical leadership. The framework must be outlined clearly and people should be aware of the ethical standards in use. Furthermore, the decision-making process should be openly discussed, even when it requires difficult
To apply this system of moral values effectively, one must understand the structural levels at which ethical dilemmas occur, who is involved in the dilemmas, and how a particular decision will affect them. In addition, one must consider how to formulate possible courses of action. Failing in any of these three areas may lead to an ineffective decision, resulting in more pain than cure.” Ken Blanchard states, “Many leaders don’t operate ethically because they don’t understand leadership; these executives may have MBA’s from Ivey League schools or have attended leadership training; they may routinely read the best-selling management books, however, they don’t understand what it means to be a leader.” They don’t model a way of ethical behaviors.
Leadership demands for skills, and abilities to address responsibilities of today’s challenges while thinking ahead into the future. Mehmet Karaarslan puts it in better words “Leadership is an interpersonal influence process of setting direction and inspiring others to achieve goals.” He has delineated eight tips of effective leadership values to build the “capabilities and performances of People” on the video.
Looking at the first word in ethical leadership we see, as stated in the Webster-Merriam dictionary, ethical is defined as “following accepted rules of behavior: morally right and good”. When we think of someone who is ethical we, first, think of someone who ‘follows the rules’. By following the rules I mean someone who in the eyes of the majority is morally sound. Having strong morals is what I believe the key is to an ethical person. On the other side of the definition of ethical is defining it as having inside oneself the desire to do what’s right over what is wrong. When we speak about someone who is ethical this desire is one that is not dependent on external forces i.e. no one can sway an ethical person’s mindset.
Ethical leadership requires an ethical leader and a coherent ethical framework to guide decisions and actions. Ethics are based on a set of social norms while morality is based on a set of beliefs. In the case of officer Ben Fields, situational ethics are questioned value, as well as, based ethics, professional ethics, and rule based ethics. Ethical behavior reflects a value system that matures from a coherent view of the world based on equity, justice, the need and right for others, and a sense of obligation to others needs and standards to society.
Joseph, James A. "Leadership And The Changing Role Of Ethics In Public Life." Lecture. Models of Ethical Leadership for a Changing World. University of Texas. Jan. 2001. Web.
Ethical leadership is hard to define according to research cited by Yukl, (2013). Ethics depends on time, culture, and laws. We can attempt to define ethical leadership by looking at the leader’s behavior, values and how he or she influences followers (Yukl, 2013). Every organization has ethical and moral guidelines stipulated through their policies, rules and regulations. A leader who is honest and trustworthy can be said as an ethical leader. But it depends on how the behavior is reflected in the organization and the employees. Ethical leadership can also be defined as to whether the behaviors violate cultural customs and laws of the society. Personal morals and ethics may be in conflict with managing the organization
Currently, leadership is generally understood as a person with insight and wisdom of guidance, which expected to be efficient in management responsibilities like planning organizing, and monitoring performance (Kandola, 2004, p. 144). In addition, making ethical decision is important to individuals who value and take seriously institutional...
German Philosopher, Immanuel Kant once said, “In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so” (1800). The word ethics refers to “character” and “conduct” (Northouse, 2015, p. 330). It is deeply “concerned with the virtuousness of individuals and their motives” and “the kinds of values and morals an individual or a society finds desirable or appropriate” (Northouse, 2015, p. 330). Thus, “in regards to leadership, ethics is concerned with what leaders do and who leaders are” (Northouse, 2015, p. 330). Ethics in leadership allows leaders to make decisions regarding what is virtuous or not in a situation. All throughout the history of American government, difficult decisions have been made and the fight for ethics has always been “implicitly or explicitly involved” (Northouse, 2015, p. 330).
We don’t need to see ethical leadership as a weak or a soft-hearted concept of a leader. An ethical leader that bring out characters such as forgiveness, love and trust can become an advantage to that leader. These character or value are able to make his or her subordinate to bring out their hidden capabilities that is give positive impact to their work, increase the commitment of the employee to their own work and company, also get rid of the feeling of distrust by the employee to the leader. This kind of leader may touch the heart of their subordinate trough their sincerity, and able to inspire them to act ethically also. By building strong relationship that is beyond boss and employee relationship, all of the vision and mission of the company can be transferred and understand well by those who work under
The very core of effective leadership comes down to being a morally upright individual. Studies show that gaining the trust of a group of individuals is critical to become an effective leader. It is the foundation that forms the
With so many constant changes today with different generations, legal and political circumstances and ever-changing and improving technology sources, organizations have new and recurring issues arising every single day. The reasons for these issues vary widely and develop because of so many different situations. The outcome of the situation depends on many factors including the issue at hand, the management style and the ethics of the organization to simply name a few. These outcomes can certainly make or break an organization if not handled appropriately. The issue I have found to be the most significant is leadership. Within leadership, there is the opportunity for many issues in itself.
Ms. Barrett’s positive attribute that makes her the exemplar ethical leader is her use of the altruistic approach to leadership (Wharton School, 2008). She credits her altruistic approach to leadership as inspired by her mother who was of the opinion that work was about making a positive difference in the lives of others. It was all about empowering others and creating a positive work environment. She follows the principle of treating everybody equally and in the way that she would want to be treated. Her opinion is that leadership is not only about the title, but is inclusive of every staff member. According to Mihelic, Lipicnik & Tekavcic (2010), being ethical is about playing fair, thinking about welfare of others and thinking about consequences
“Ethical leaders within an organization cannot make every ethical decision by themselves” (Ferrell, 2015). In centralized management, the top people make all of the decisions. There are still however many opportunities for lower level employees to make unethical decisions. Management can promote ethical behavior at every level by being a good example and following its own code of conduct. The ethical environment should also be closely monitored. When someone makes a really great ethical decision, that person should be recognized. By rewarding good behavior, others will naturally want to receive these rewards as
Ethical leadership is having an understanding of who you are, what your core values are, having the courage to live them all, in your personal life as well as your work life. Ethical leadership involves leading in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of others. Ethical decision making and leadership are the basis of ethical organizations. Leadership is a relationship between leaders and followers. The foundation of this relationship is trust. The leaders themselves must be ethical in their decisions and actions in order to influence others to behave accordingly. Ethical leadership is to know one’s core values and having the courage to live them through one’s life. Ethics and leaders go hand in hand; ethics is the heart of leadership.
“Ethics can be defined as moral principles that govern or influence a person’s behaviour and values are the context in which an organisation or society’s norms are established and justified” (buzz text book).Ethics are the guidelines helping us tell the difference between the is wrong and right. Most people are encouraged by ethics to normally do the right things. Ethics and values are based on individual beliefs and standards in society that one if from, they vary from person to person. Leadership is the authority and capability for one to lead people in an organization in order to achieve goals. They are the main role players in all the organizations and are crucial to their success. Ethics in a business means taking the precise way’