Ethical Dilemma Case Study

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Assignment 2: Ethical and conflict challenges Mukul Sethi 632244 UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE Ethical dilemma Introduction Developing a prognostic system for my client, my team and me have discovered some major bugs that have prevented me to deliver on time. I thought about the situation balancing the pros and cons of the situation and came up with approach to be honest about the situation to my client. I have discussed my opinion about the situation with providing suitable reasons for the same in the following report. Leading by example Although my teammate has suggested me of a dishonest solution, I would never agree with him about the suggestion he made of lying to GP about the product being a demo. Having said that I would agree that yes their has been a significant delay in the project and would require some more days before the product can be ready. However I would never cheat on my client as being honest about something would yes definitely show me and my team’s inability to achieve on time and but would also prevent us from sending a message that my team could not even build a demo correctly and would show our courage to come forward and accept our mistake. That is if the GP tests the demo on a patient and the results of the system do not match his diagnoses it could really be a problem as a wrong diagnoses would not only make the GP aware of the fact that the build quality of system is poor but also the end product would not be of the top most quality. Which could further lead to damaging company’s image. The other aspect of accepting the dishonest suggestion would also be that it would send a wrong message across the whole team that I am not courageous enough to take the responsib... ... middle of paper ... (win-win for both Sarah and Tim & The team) Lastly I would be willing and accepting of the facts and replies (feedback) Sarah gives me regarding her ‘yes woman’ attitude, that is may be its not her attitude but managements pressure that even she is facing, also I have to understand the fact that I have been appointed to make it easy for Sarah to handle a bigger team. I would also thank Sarah for listening out to me and I am sure I would definitely device a solution for the same and that is Sarah might understand that yes the team might be under stress and a little praise and more communication with the team would send out a positive message across the team. Conclusion Post meeting Sarah I would convey the message to the team about the current situation and discussion with sarah and motivate my team to get over the conflict and work on the given projects.

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