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Causes of depression essay
Cause and effects of depression
Cause and effects of depression
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IV. Causes of depression. Although Joe may be suffering from a self-fulfilling prophecy, as evidenced by the chain of events that led to a disabling status, there may also be biological reasons that apply as well. There is enough evidence to prove that depression is genetic; hence, Joe’s familial history of depression, as well as suicide by his uncle. Therefore, Joe may be dealing with both cognitive issues, as well as biological factors that complicate his diagnosis of severe depression. Joe may be fearful that suicide is inevitable for him, based on his family history. A) Neurochemical factors, part of the biological profile, may also be involved in Joe’s depression symptoms. Two neurotransmitters in the brain are associated with …show more content…
Ethically and therapeutically building a relationship with Joe is important. All consents should be explained prior to signing, confidentiality should be addressed, and a warm, empathetic, and compassionate environment should be provided. All records are to be kept in an orderly fashion and moral and ethical values should be followed (American Psychological Association (APA), 2010). This is essential to initiating treatment with any client, especially one that has major depression with suicidal ideations; moreover, this relationship should be nourished with trust, honesty, as well as maintains the ethical and moral requirements of the American Psychological Association. This professionalism and trust will be vital to a working relationship with honesty from Joe, as well as his willingness to be honest, and open himself up to another individual, especially a …show more content…
Monitoring of Joe’s daily status is important to establish his status quo throughout the week when he is not in his therapist’s office. Keeping a journal of his thoughts and feelings, noting them as they change, will help his therapist to assess his mood variations, thoughts and feelings during the day to day stresses of life, including any physical complaints from which he suffered (Disner, S. G., Beevers, C. G., Haigh, E. P., & Beck, A. T., 2011). This will assist the therapist in monitoring Joe’s status when he or she is not with him, as well as any thinking bias, psychosomatic complaints, erratic mood fluctuations, and monitor any medication therapy for any signs of non-compliance, abuse, or side effects, as well as note any positive results from his treatment plan. Short-term goals should be set with Joe, as well as a couple of long-term goals to work toward during his treatment. This will keep Joe focused on the goals at hand, which will result in positive results when he meets said goals. This is part of the cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), as it will show him that he is not a failure, he can take the initiative to meet his goals, and the world is not against him. According to Auerbach et al. (2013), “Depressed individuals are more sensitive to negative stimuli (e.g. job loss) and less responsive to positive stimuli”, complicating the treatment of a depressed individual; moreover, Joe does not appear to have any positive incentives at first glance but the
The goal of cognitive-behavioral treatment is to adapt the patient’s thoughts; as Riley is thinking of how she is failing to deal with the present situation she is in, this treatment will help her change this thinking. In this treatment, Riley’s patterns of thinking would be recognized over a series of appointments, and the clinician would then identify different ways of viewing the same situations Riley has been dealing with, making them not as dysfunctional for her. As well as cognitive-behavioral treatment, physical activity can also combat depression because it releases endorphins; this treatment would be accessible to Riley, and it is something that can be self-initiated as well as encouraged by her parents. These treatments would be ideal for Riley as they encourage her to better her illness without antidepressants since she is so
Through my extensive research on depression I have learned a lot of new things. I have learned about the many forms of depression and treatment for depression. I have also learned a little about what is believed to go on chemically in the brain of a clinically depressed person. I was also able to partially determine what sort of role genetics, chemicals and personal influences in the brain. Though I was unable to determine exactly how environmental and personal stress can cause a chemical imbalance in a person, I was even able to speculate about this issue and determine some theories of my own on why and how this may happen.
These ethical concerns must be addressed with every client. This is where closed ended questions may be considered, the best approach is to intertwine these questions into the normal flow of conversation so that the client does not feel like they are being judged. One of the ethical concerns the clinician needs to address is suicide, since those dealing with the crisis have no ability to cope and are vulnerable and overwhelmed, suicide may feel like their only option to end the crisis (Kanel, 2007). The clinician needs this information to keep the client safe. Another ethical concern the clinician must address is the possibility of abuse towards a child or the elderly or any harm to others. It is always a counselor or mental health workers ' duty to report any suspicion of this kind of activity to the proper authorities (Kanel, 2007). Organic or medical concerns are one of the other ethical considerations which must be addressed in the second stage. This includes making evaluations about any mental health or behavioral disorders as well as making any necessary referrals (Kanel, 2007). Substance abuse is another ethical concern that must be addressed by the clinician. Since substance abuse is commonly used to treat stress for those in crisis the clinician must be assertive in gathering information about drug use (Kanel, 2007). This information will direct the clinician in the
Depression is a mental illness, which affects millions of Americans each year. Currently there are many prescription drugs, called anti-depressants that have been proven to successfully treat it. The causes of depression are somewhat of a medical enigma, however, it is known that depression is associated with a change in the brains chemistry involving the function of neurotransmitters (Reichert). This chemical change occurs in healthy brain’s, which experience sadness, but ends after the unpleasant stimulus is removed. In people suffering from depression this chemical change does not correspond to any particular stimulus. Symptoms of depression are often incapacitating and include severe and extended sadness, feelings of worthlessness, feelings of emptiness, irritability and anxiety (Reichert, Spake).
This paper will have two sections: The first section will be a brief explanation on what is depression. In addition, what is the percentage of depress people in the United States. Furthermore, it will discuss in details several theories that are best suited to treat depression disorder. Moreover, the theories that will be briefly discussed are as follows: Cognitive Therapy (CT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Interpersonal Therapy (IPT). The second section will be a summary of a counseling session the learner had with a client and the treatment that was given to help alleviate and ceased the depression from reoccurring.
The field of clinical mental health is one of great reward, but also one of grave responsibility. It is the duty of the counselor to provide the client with a safe environment and an open mind, in order to foster a healthy therapeutic relationship. The majority of mental health counselors would never intentionally harm their clients; however; good intentions are not enough to ensure that wrong will not occur. The ethical expectations and boundaries are regulated by both laws and professional codes. When discussing ethics, one must realize there are two categories, mandatory and aspirational. (Corey, Corey & Callanan, 2007)
Although historically depression has been considered a character condition, evidence has accumulated suggesting the role of a biological substrate, namely serotonin, in subgroups of depressed patients. This accumulated evidence supports the indoleamine hypothesis of depression, which suggests that major depression results from a deficiency of available serotonin or inefficient serotonin. (16). We see that depletions of serotonin from certain regions of the brain such as the hypothalamus, amygdala, and cortical areas involved in cognition and other high processes, can have a great impact in contributing to depression.
Depression is much more common than most people think. Because it is essentially an invisible illness and is largely in the mind, it is difficult to correctly diagnose it and most people suffer for months, years, or even decades with depression. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines depression as “a mood disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty with thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal thoughts or an attempt to commit suicide.” Most medical definitions are able to explain what happens and why it does, but after carefully examining this one, we only notice that it explains what happens, but not why. Usually, the symptoms of an illness are...
As a result of research and advancements in biomedical science, psychotropic medications have become a primary tool in the holistic treatment of mental health concerns (Kaut & Dickinson, 2007). Education regarding psychopharmacology is now recommended for all mental health professionals in accordance with the ethical codes for the profession (King & Anderson, 2004). Counselors must also navigate their roles with regard to medication and client concerns carefully to avoid liability, while acting in the best interest of the client.
Summary The professional counseling arena is one that mandates absolute integrity of character and a strong awareness of moral boundaries. Perhaps even more important is a firm grasp of the code of ethics governing the body of professional counselors, the American Counseling Association. The video Legal and Ethical Issues for Mental Health Professions, vol. 2: Dual Relationships, Boundaries, Standards of Care & Termination (Sommers. 2010) provided tremendous insight into the importance of strict adherence to governing ethical codes and the need to obtain clarity when counselor client issue arise that are not emphatically outlined in ethical codes. The one thing that is readily obvious, when the ethics code is unclear in a matter, personal
Beck, A. (1978). Cognitive therapy of depression (The Guildford Clinical Psychology and psychopathology series). New York, N.Y : Guildford Press.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a method of correcting invalid thought patterns to a more positive view of the person and their place in their world. Some people do not believe that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a real treatment for depression, claiming it is a form of positive thinking ("The Daily Mail," 2009). On the opposite end of the spectrum, others argue that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy should be used in all therapies for depression as it allows the patient to take an active role in their treatment. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the benefit of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a viable treatment of depression, either as a stand-alone therapy or in conjunction with other therapies.
Depression is a serious mental health illness which affects an individuals’ mind, body and mood. It is a chronic and lifelong health condition (NICE, 2006) thought to be caused by a number of biological factors including neurotransmitter disturbances in the brain and an element of genetic vulnerability; these are often in addition to psychosocial factors such as the occurrence of undesirable life events, limited social network options, poor self esteem and the occurrence of any adverse life events during a persons’ lifetime (Bernstein, 2006). Depression can have an impact on a persons’ ability to do many things including working, engaging with others, participating fully in family life or maintaining relationships, and it can also impact on a person...
As we know, the neurotransmitter sends message to the neurons, without the neurotransmitter there would be no communication between the neurons and the brain. Joseph M. Carver, a Clinical Psychologist stated, “As we discovered more about neurotransmitters, we began to identify which neurotransmitters controlled certain bodily functions or which were related to certain emotional/psychiatric difficulties (“The “Chemical to imbalance” in Mental Health Problems”). This illustrates neurotransmitters are the body senders that results to a person's feelings. Addition, a person with depression experience emotional rollercoaster because, not all the right levels of chemicals are directed in the brain. Since, their neurotransmitter could have signaled minimum or maximum hormones and enzymes to their brains. Carver stated, “As research in neurotransmitters continued, studies between neurotransmitters and mental conditions revealed a strong connection between amounts of certain neurotransmitters in the brain and the presence of specific psychiatric condition (The “Chemical to imbalance”). This demonstrates the link between the neurotransmitters and mental disorder was found due to the unhealthy range of fluids sent to the brain. The minimum and maximum neurotransmitters are now linked to mental condition such as, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and obsessive compulsive
When trying to determine the cause of suicide, most people are going to conclude that the cause was something such as stress, marital problems, or unemployment. Usually there are more complicated reasons that can be the cause for suicide. In her article “To know Depression,” Kay Redfield Jamison discusses mental illnesses and how they contribute to suicide. Jamison believes that by treating the mental illness, this can aid in the prevention of suicides. Jamison, a professor in psychiatry and a sufferer of bipolar disorder, knows firsthand how dangerous mental illnesses can be. Even though some words are not clearly defined, through the use of the Barton example, her description of depression, medical knowledge, and personal experience, Jamison