Esters Essay

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Esters are pervasive in nature and commonly used in industry which makes them an essential functional group to everyday life. This investigation was conducted to find how the molecular structure and electron movement contribute to the properties performed by esters within molecules. It was found that, in nature, esters are responsible for pheromones released by plants and animals and also for the pleasant aromas of many fruits and flowers. In industry, it was found that esters are needed to create plexiglas (please define this and the following terms as footnotes), dacron , polyethylene , terephthalate , benzocaine , and procaine . Esters positively impact our world by contributing to the creation of polyester clothing which decreases our reliance on plantation grown material which could deplete the land, but also negatively affect our world due to the production of phthalic acid which is used in detergents and plastics that make the material toxic and damaging to the environment and those who use material with the acid. (


Esters are organic functional groups formed from the combination of two other functional groups, alcohols and carboxylic acids. One of the hydrogen ion's that are more weakly bonded to the carboxylic acid is released and exchanged for the alkyl group from the alcohol during the reaction which forms the organic salt. This type of ester is the most common and is the one that forms the general structure of the esters (RCOOR') but there are also esters formed from simple hydrocarbon groups. These esters are usually the ones that are known to create the pleasant smells and flavors of fruits, flowers, and food flavorings.
This investigati...

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...ginal ingredient may not be available. For example, methyl trans-cinnamate (strawberry), isoamyl acetate (banana), and ethyl butyrate (pineapples) make the perfect flavors for a tropical smoothie! Secondly, esters are found naturally within certain organisms to release scents that alert members of the fellow species or for mating purposes. One example is the Z)-6-dodecen-4-olide, which is a circular ester that releases as a “social scent” for black-tailed deers. Thirdly, esters can also be used in the medical field. For instance, benzocaine is a type of ester used in skin medication to relieve skin burns. Another example is the jojoba ester, which is used in cosmetic products like lotion to soften skin. Fourthly, esters can be used as construction materials. For example, plexiglas is a type of ester used in shatterproof glass replacements and hockey rink barriers.

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