Essay On Weightlifting

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Weight Lifting Session – Trainer
Observer the leader of weight lifting session was a very good experience for the trainees. The training session was based on the weight lifting workout, which turned out to be a good active activity with much interest and learning for the trainees. The trainer who was training them was a very humble and gentle person who was training them in a way that I personally really admire. She had a very gentle and polite tone because she knew that the trainees were new to the session so they need some extra hard work to learn the skills effectively. At times I found her to be a little harsh in speech when some of other trainees were unable to person the exercise well. The best part, which I found about her, was that …show more content…

She told them that if a person tries to transfer the weight to other parts of the body then it would be known as cheating because she is trying to move greater weight with the help of improper means. She however made them all believe that the trainees are master of this game because of the level of satisfaction and confidence she made in them. The moves, positions, angles and skills taught by her were so useful that no one in the session got any kind of injury. Also there was no one in the session that failed to meet the criteria of weight lifting training session. It was because of the fact that she initially made us all understand the exercise and its basic rules before starting which made us all very familiar with the workout …show more content…

I found this session to be really helpful and encouraging. The sequence of events in the session were also well settled because she initially introduced himself, then the basic concepts of weight lifting were highlighted as well as its benefits and then he started off with the basic weight lifting techniques. The weight lifting also started with the very small weights, which made the whole training session useful and understanding for all of them. This was no doubt a great experience for me. There was much learning for all the trainees and they also learned the benefits of weight lifting and how it should be

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