Essay On Visit To The Library

722 Words2 Pages

Crayons don’t lie

Afterschool, Denisha and her Mum went to the library. It is a small public library. Goodwin is the name of the library. This library has plenty of Children’s books, movies, CDs, toys and a beautiful play area.
Denisha likes the color tissue papers – cutout hanging around the corners of the library. She likes the glass display case of pop-up books open with pop-ups objects displays. Inside the glass display case are seashell craft such as seashells turtles, seashells frogs, seashells people and sea shells trees. “This is a beautiful library,” says Denisha. “I like this library”.
“Mama, I want to come to the library everyday!” says Denisha.
Denisha did all her homework. Mama reads a book to her. She picked two books to take …show more content…

They are excited about being all over my picture, rubbing soft and hard making it a perfect picture.
Denisha said “Crayons don’t lie, they are what they are”.
Mama liked my picture. “Crayons don’t lie, they are what they are rubbing soft and hard”.
Denisha said, “Mama On my next visit to the library, I will show my perfect picture to the librarian”.

On a visit to the library, “Surprise!” says Denisha. The librarian, looked at me, and said, “Hi Denisha what 's new”
I pulled out my perfect picture and showed it to him “Wow” said the librarian “You really made a good picture of the Goodwin library.”
The kids like Denisha perfect picture. The librarian loves Denisha’s perfect picture. He hangs it up in the library. Denisha was happy and pleased to give the librarian a perfect picture.
The picture hung on the wall in the Children’s room. The librarian gave Denisha two more boxes of crayons, “Yes! We are crayons, red, pink, green, yellow, orange, white, black, purple and blue. We are going home. “We are very happy crayons”. “Mama will you bring me to the library? “ What in your book bag? “We are crayons, red, pink, green, yellow, orange, white, black, purple and blue”. “We are going to school”. Thank you.


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