Essay On Undocumented Workers

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I am for undocumented workers because their the ones really doing all the hard jobs for less money because they don't have any papers but also they should be able to work at better places because how would we like it if we were them. We wouldnt like to get under payed for some of the hardest jobs to work for because it's back breaking work that a lot of them do to support their families. Alot of these undocumented workers work out in the fields where it is really hot and they really don't got any breaks they need just work until their shift is over. I think this helps the economy though because i don't know many people that would want to take back breaking jobs when their already have better things i'm not saying that undocumented workers don't have other better things to do but they can't really get better jobs than that because they are undocumented workers but they have to start off some way right? After years in the us undocumented workers can apply to get their papers to stay in the U.S. My …show more content…

wouldn't want to do like landscaping and working in the crop fields. Undocumented workers made up 3.5% of the population in 2009. There were only about 2.7 million unauthorized workers that had a green card and there were about 11.3 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. alone. The reason why they come to the U.S. is to work and have a chance at life and to have a good life because where a lot of these undocumented workers are coming from is where their is no government the people with the guns, drugs and money are the government there are no police where they come from the police can't help them. There are no jobs where they come from or when their is jobs you really work for nothing because you get paid almost nothing and how are they gunna support their families getting paid nothing that is why they come to work in the U.S. because they want a chance to

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