Essay On Tribal Tribe

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Conceptual Background of the Study
The tribal population is identified as the aboriginal inhabitants of our country. For centuries, they have been living a simple life based on the natural environment and have developed cultural patterns congenial to their physical and social environment. References to of such tribal groups are found even in the literature on the ancient period, right from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata periods. According to L.P. Vithyarthi tribe is a social group with definite territory, common name, common descent, common culture, and behavior of an endogamous group, common taboos, and existence of distinctive social and political system, full faith in leaders and self-sufficiency in their …show more content…

It is generally applied to a community or a cluster of communities characterized by a common territory, language and cultural heritage, on an inferior technological level (Singh 1972:265). According to Majumdar, a tribe is a collection of families or groups of families bearing a Common name, members of which occupy the same territory, speak the same language, and observe certain taboos regarding marriage, profession or occupation and have developed a well-assessed system of reciprocity and mutuality of obligation (Majumdar 1977-71)

3.3. Tribal Development in Indian Perspectives Tribals in India are an inseparable part of the total population of the country. India has the second largest concentration of tribal people anywhere in the world except perhaps in Africa1. The prominent tribal population covers around 15 percent of the total geographical area of the country. They have their presence in all states and union territories except Haryana, Punjab, Chandigarh, Delhi and Pondicherry2. The tribal are the children of nation and their life style is conditioned by the ecosystem. India due to its diverse ecosystems has a wide variety of tribal population throughout its length and breath. The areas inhabited by the tribal constitute a significant part of the under developed areas of the country. The Tribals live mostly in isolated villages or hamlets. Tribal development

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