Essay On Triangle Fire

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The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in 1911 was one of the worst tragedies to occur during that time. In the fire 148 workers were killed in the building, most of victims were killed instantly either by the fire or leaping from the eighth, ninth ad tenth story of the building. As onlookers outside of the building watched, many of the women and girls were in the burning building, and were seen jumping from the windows of the building, falling to the pavement. Many of the workers jumped, because the fire department had a harder time reaching them on the higher floors. Some of the workers thought there were nets all around the building, so they were either pushing people out or jumping out themselves. Some of the workers were even found hunched over their sewing machines on the narrow tables. The fire made more people aware of the bad conditions of the factories, and the workers safety. It also showed the absence of the factory owners concern for their works wellbeing and safety. Though the owners of the business were found not guilty, the fire led …show more content…

The progressive leaders during that time fought for better working conditions, and social causes. The progressive era was formed from the tragedy that happened in the building. The severity of the destruction caused by the fire could have been prevented had the company taken necessary precautions. The Triangle shirt fire shaped many laws we still have today. Unfortunately, 148 workers had to pass before work laws changed for the better. The also had an impact on women’s rights with work place safety. The new laws wanted to make sure all employers were more cautious and make sure all working conditions were safe. Everyone wanted to insure that such a disaster would never happened again in the work place. Many of today’s health and labor laws can be traced back to the Triangle Shirtwaist

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