Essay On Tourism In The 21st Century

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Define tourism in your own words. Critically assess the negative impacts of tourism and the way forward in the 21st century. In view of the fact that the human exists, people have travelled. Food, water and possessions of resources were the premature voyage enthusiasm and the design of travel for enjoyment or discovery soon emerged. The design for the travel has always depended upon tools to provide the mode of travel. There is a history of those people in the earliest era that travelled by walk or rode domesticated animals such as cattle, horse, elephant and many. Gradually with the invention of the ideas on the wheel and the sail has given innovative modes of transportation to the people around the world. With these developments in machinery and the prospects to travel for sightseeing, education and spiritual principles originated the institution called Tourism. Tourism is a competitive and an economical business which connects or networks a flock of people or an individual travelling away from their native home and cultures to the different countries or a place of interest for leisure, entertainment and various reasons in exchange of culture, education and adventurous touring. Mathieson and Wall (1982) defined tourism as "the temporary movement of a person to destination outside their place of …show more content…

People are able to travel across the world in a short span of time (Paynesville press, 2001, May 30). Tourism can play a positive role in the social, cultural, economical, environmental and political development of the destination and as such represents a significant development opportunity for many countries and communities only if it is well managed (UNEP, n.d). On the contrary, unconstrained tourism development or growth can pilot to extremely damageable impacts. However, tourism is a very complex business concerning various organizations requiring significant amount of

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