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Reflective practices of nursing
Communication and interpersonal relationships in nursing
Reflective practices of nursing
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Therapeutic relationship between patients and are formed in the majority of situation (Romos, 1992; Morse, 1992). Morse(1991) consider this level as mutual while Romas (1992) to it as unilateral because the nurse maintain most of the control. This type of relation is usually for little times or average duration, where the patient facing a situation that is perceived by the patient as neither life threatening nor serious. This is a situation when a person need to be interacted with a nurse whom he or she can express all their feeling and situation that can be very helpful in diagnosing or treating the diseases or sickness with limited time. Although nurse’s perspective is primarily that the patient is a patient, there is also recognition and understanding of patient as a person. However developing a therapeutic relationship with a health consumers requires intelligence and reflective practice are the most major and important components of buildings a therapeutic relationship in nursing. Therefore this essay intends to discuss on the self- awareness and why it is very important to an individual health consumer, the challenges of difficulties that is faced by the nurses when developing a therapeutic nurse-client relationship with consumers and what are the basic strategies that can be used by nurses to strengthen this important professional relationship. Also it will elaborate more on the interpersonal skills and stagiest that the nurses can develop which while create a healthy therapeutic relationship with the consumer
To commence with, self awareness in nursing simply states caring for patients not only by the use of knowledge and procedural but also what nurses as well as individual think and feel, believe and value and one ca...
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...s for nurses to create a therapeutic relation amongst the different genders. Nurses also use interpersonal skills and reflective tools which enhances the healthy relations with the patients.
Bob Wright (2007). Interpersonal skills, skills for caring. Australia: Vaghn Curtis.
Denys Santos blell (2011).Emotional intelligence. For Authentic and Divers Work place.
Jane Stein Parbur (2003). Patient and Person (2nd ed.). Developing Interpersonal Skills in Nursing. United statses of America.
Kimmel (1998) Developing Interpersonal Skills. In Nursing System.
Michael. W. Warger (2006). Exploring the Therapeutic Relationship. Practical Insight for Today Clinicians.
Potter. P. (2005). Fundamentals of Nursing (2nd) . Australia: Vaghn Curtis.
Nancy burns, S.K (2005).the practice of nursing research (5th ed). United States of America.
The best way to understand exactly what a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship is is to look into the characteristics of the relationship. As previously stated, the therapeutic relationship focuses on the client and their goals. In contrast with a social relationship, the actions of both the nurse and patient are dedicated to the needs of the patient. Nurse and patient work together to attain the goals set for the patient. Although the nurse may enjoy interacting with the patient, this is not the purpose of the relationship. The parameters of the relationship are defined to ensure that the relationship does not curve in that direction. Parameters include, “[the] relationship is terminated when goals are met and service no longer needed” (Craven & Hirnle, 2009, p. 330). This ensures that boundaries are not crossed and the nurse-patient relationship stays a professional one.
Rasheed, S. P. (2015). Self-awareness as a therapeutic tool for nurse/client relationship. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 8(1), 211-216
Wondrak, R. (2004) Interpersonal Skills for Nurses and Health Care Professionals. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd
Upon the first point of contact between a nurse and patient, the way a nurse communicates through words, gestures or facial expressions can affect the patient's perception of the nurse. Communicating professionally helps to portray the nurse in a good light. This is important as having a positive perception of the nurse's image and behaviour is crucial to building patient trust — one of the key elements of a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship (Bell & Duffy, 2009; Wadell & Skarsater, 2007). The need for the establishment of therapeutic relationship is supported by th...
Introduction The introduction paragraph gives information on communication and the impact that it has on patient-nurse relationships. It gives the reader an understanding of what is involved in true communication and how it is a fundamental part of nursing and the skills all nurses need. It leads those interested in delivering quality nursing to read on. Showing us the significance that communication makes in the perception of the quality of care that patient perceives they received based not on the care it’s self but on the patient-nurse communication.. Purpose/Problem/Hypothesis
The act of self-awareness is built through emotional intelligence which is an important factor in building therapeutic relationship. Nurses should built an understanding of clients health situation considering social, cultural, emotional, physical spiritual and psychological conditi...
Therapeutic relationships are an essential part of nursing; they are the foundation of nursing (CNO, 2009). The National Competency Standard for Registered Nurses states that nurses are responsible for “establishing, sustaining and concluding professional relationships with individuals/groups.” Throughout this essay, the importance of forming therapeutic relationships will be explained. The process of building a therapeutic relationship begins prior to time of contact with a patient, the interpersonal skills of the nurse; then the process includes skills required by the nurse to communicate effectively, including respect, trust, non-judgment and empathy. The way to portray these skills can be via verbal or non-verbal cues that are important to understand how they influence a person.
In nursing practice, communication is essential, and good communication skills are paramount in the development of a therapeutic nurse/patient relationship. This aim of this essay is to discuss the importance of communication in nursing, demonstrating how effective communication facilitates a therapeutic nurse/patient relationship. This will be achieved by providing a definition of communication, making reference to models of communication and explaining how different types of communication skills can be used in practise.
In addition a positive self-awareness gives a sense of continuity, wholeness and consistency to a person. In relation to nursing, self-awareness helps nurses to learn about their strength and weaknesses. “It helps nurses to deliver better client care thus; client gets well soon and builds a trusting relation between the client and the nurse. Self-awareness helps nurses to identify several problems that might be a cause I providing better care”(Nancy Burns, 2005).
By giving nurses a sense of identity, nursing theory can help patients, managers and other healthcare professionals to recognize the unique contribution that nurses make to the healthcare service (Draper 1990).Hildegard Peplau, one of the role model of nursing theorist, established a theory of interpersonal relationships in nursing. Her reason is the goal of the nurse-client relationship is to give a quality nursing care moving forward to health promotion and maintenance. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a basic assessment of her theory.
It is essential for a nurse to be able to demonstrate and practice professional communication skills, provision of information and handover to provide a holistic approach to treating and caring for patients. Professional communication skills not only allows the nurse to provide different methods and tactics to communicate with patients of different needs and ages, but it enables the nurse to understand and to give the best possible care and outcome for the patient. Provision of information and handover is another major point for nurses and relates to professional communication. Nurses need to be able to get a detailed diagnosis from the patient through communication, and therefore allows for the nurse to handover vital information to other doctors or nurses who take over to provide the correct and best possible treatments and care. The nursing profession requires a nurse to uphold professional communication, provision of information and handover in order to care for the patient with the right treatment, and to provide the best health outcome.
Self awareness in nursing refers to how glowing nurses comprehend themselves, their strengths, weaknesses, attitude and ethics in order to better transact with their patients. Self- awareness includes review of self, together with self confidence. Self -regulation express beyond one`s emotion and being trustworthy. For nurses to be able to empathize with their patients and treat them with compassion, they have to be self aware. When nurses are self aware, they are capable to adapt to, or certainly change their attitudes and deed in order to understand how unusual people take care of them hence improving the nurse- patient relationship. Nurses must reflect carefully on whether they can sustain in dependence in caring for a client and whether the relationship interferes with gathering the client’s needs. It is also essential to be sure that providing care to family and friends does not interfere with the care of other clients or with the dynamics of the health care group. Before making the conclusion, the nurse may possibly wish to discuss the situation with colleagues and the employer.
The ongoing education and training which supports the nursing as a profession must be maintained. The self-concept of nurses is enormously important in maintaining a professional identity.
Many persons go into the healthcare ground because they want to work with people. For these nurses, it is the nurse-patient relationship that is one of the most significant things. By understanding the nurse-patient relationship, nurses can be better furnished to work with their patients and, eventually, deliver superior care for them. Hildegard Peplau's model of nursing emphases on that nurse-patient relationship and recognizes the diverse roles nurses take on when working with patients.
Nurse use the seven foundational role key identity dyads for the best of their patients. To set a good example and be a role model, a nurse need to utilize those seven dyads and care for her wellbeing (American Nurses Association, 2015). I won’t be able to convey the healthy message that I carry to my patient unless I listen and follow myself first. Nursing is a profession about caring for a vast population but the core is the nurse. By caring for herself, she is caring for others. The message will be clear, for the family, the patients and