Essay On The Values Of Uluru

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Values: What are the values associated with Uluru? Spiritual, Cultural, Aesthetic, Economic, & Biodiversity. Spiritual The spiritual values are an important part of the everyday lives of the Anangu people. This is the tribe of the local indigenous people. They have inhabited the land that Uluru stands on dating back approximately 60,000 years. They believe that Uluru/Kata Tjuta was created during the Dreamtime by ancestral spirits and when their work was done they turned into different Australian animals. Cultural Uluru is a very special place with many cultural values that are very important not just to the Anangu people but to every Australian. When visiting Uluru, you will pass many paintings of the walls of the rock and you will come …show more content…

People try to go to Uluru before sunrise or just before sunset so that they can see the wonderful colours of the beautiful rock that change depending on the sun’s rays. In the image below (figure 1.1), you can see just how beautiful these sights can be. Economic Economic values are a very important part of Uluru, the amount of tourism that is associated with it contributes so much to the Australian economy, over 1.4 million people visit the Natural monument every year. This amazing number of people just grows and grows every year and it continues to grow. The economy makes money from all the people that spend money to have tours, to enter the national park, buy souvenirs etc. biodiversity There are400 different species of plants found around Uluru. Many of these used for food, medicine, and fuel for the traditional owners of Uluru/ Kata Tjuta. The Mulga Tree is the most common tree in Australia and one of the most resourceful plants found in Australia. the mulga can grow up to 12 meters high with a grey/green colour to its leaves. The Mulga produces little seeds which can then be ground into a smooth edible paste. The sweet tasting honeydew that the tree produces can be eaten straight of the branch. The tree has quiet hard wood which creates a very sturdy tool such as a spear or a

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