Essay On The Use Of Drugs In The Construction Industry

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In the construction industry use of drug by worker now a day’s become one of the serious issues. In this construction industry, use of drug includes taking alcohol, cannabis, cocaine and crack, ecstasy, heroin and LSD during or prior to the work. Irrespective of the nations all over the world, there exists a significant rate of causualites or serious injuries and loss of money as the workers are often violets the relulations as well as code of conducts in the construction sites after taking the drug. As pointed out by Biggs and Williamson (2012), the use of drug in the construction sites throw in to the outrageous breakdown of the business operrtaions for the reason of absebteesim, stealing, oss of efficiency along with the top of it; industrial accidents. The survey report conducted by the Federal governmental depicts that the rate of drug abuse is the uppermost in the construction indutries. One significant aspects is that the workers belongs in this industry are of various age group strating from 18 to 50 years of age (Cassidy, 2006). Among those various age group the use of drug is positively correlated with the workplace death (Caplan and Goldberger, 2001). Consequently varied working ogranizations in this industry have employed inventiveness to significantly investigate the exploit of drugs and their impact in the construction industry with the intention of come across a scheme for emerging a course of action that could diminish the numeral of serious confrontation taking place mainly because of drug use on construction sites.
Construction industries are classified largely which comprise of skillful employee and general workers. As opined by Cassidy (2006), these are intrinsically demanding, hazar...

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...tachments of the workers with the use of drug had changed (Wamuziri, 2011). The research related to employee assistance program or EAP evidenced that worker with addiction concerns are supplementary expected to be referred by respective administrators towards the EAP than workers with having any other kind of issues. Study reveals that utilization of employee assistance program significantly reduces the use of drug in the workplace during the construction operations (Drug misuse at work, aguide to employers, 2001). However, at the same time their lies a problem as the overall efficiency of the employee assistance program is not vigorously understandable for the reason that the employee assistance services varies considerably as well as research related to efficiency habitually have underprivileged research designs (Drug misuse at work, aguide to employers, 2001).

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