Essay On The Pros And Cons Of School Uniforms

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The issue of wearing school uniforms has been subject to debate over a number of years. It is important to note that initially, the concept of students wearing school uniforms was not widely embraced. Initially, the concept of wearing school uniforms was mainly practiced in private schools and public schools begun to apply the concept as recently as 1994 (Chen, “Public School Uniforms: The Pros and Cons for Your Child”). This move was mainly implemented to address safety issues that have been affecting academic institutions. However, there are still different schools of thought that have reservations when it comes to the issue of wearing school uniforms. This boils down to the question of whether school uniforms are beneficial or they have …show more content…

On the other hand, some of the cons that have been presented regarding the same issue include the notion that school uniforms are viewed to violate students’ freedom of expression, they make poor families to become financially strained, it has developed to become a very difficult ideology to implement in public schools and it is also not an effective technique to curb school violence (Wilde, “Do Uniforms Make Schools Better?”). From this perspective, the main focus of this essay will not only to present these pros and cons on a generalized platform. It becomes instrumental to discuss the subject based on a number of fronts. The approaches used in this analysis include evaluating the concept of school uniforms through different educational levels, comparing the effects of having school uniforms and the effects experienced when students do not wear school uniforms, an evaluation of data and surveys done in reference to the subject and recommendations that should be adhered to as a measure to settle the

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