Essay On The Lorax

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The Lorax by Dr. Seuss is a delightful yet cautionary tale, as it prevails a very critical and important message to his readers. As the sole purpose of his tale represents that of the planet we live on but in a different form for children to understand. The message the Lorax presents to children is that if we do not treat our planet right and listen to it, we will end up killing the only resource which kept us alive. Also, taking away certain resources from our ecosystem and using it to benefit unrealistic things is even worse because we need to realize that everything in the ecosystem, whether large or tiny are resourceful to everyone and we need to keep them. However, if we remove something from the plant we must replant in order to cover for the lost things. As captured and illustrated in this image, we see the beautiful pink truffle tree that belongs to the Lorax and looking from far away in the background we see a building which could represent the village and/or city …show more content…

A warning to the children and its readers that we should not abuse our ecosystem, just as the Lorax had said in the beginning of the story. The truffle trees meant everything to him and the animals, they were the life structure for but were taken for granted. When the last truffle tree was cut down, the image of the lonely field was soon to be forgotten just has how all the animals in that area and the Lorax. So if we damage our planet and do not find ways to replenish and recycle resources we soon will also be forgotten and have to seek shelter and food elsewhere. Trees have value within the ecosystem and there are also perhaps one of the most important elements. So if we had listened to the Lorax the first time we would have remembered that bringing back the trees was a way of saying we restored a balance to the ecosystem rather than taking them away from all humanity and

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