Essay On The Industrial Revolution Dbq

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DBQ: Industrial Revolution In the nineteenth century, various inventions like the steam engine stimulated demand for products, thus introducing factories and workshops to manufacture those commodities. The popularization of Manchester initiated assorted reactions towards the industrialization of the cities surrounding Great Britain. While the industrial revolution ensued, numerous concerns occurred which all contemplated the affects of factories and industries engaged by the working division of society. As industry began to evolve for the operational lower classes, the positive, negative, and mutual reactions are denoted by various speakers whom were among the diverse social classes of society. Throughout the nineteenth century, industry …show more content…

Because Frances Anne Kemble was an actress and dramatist, she was unlikely to be involved with events surrounding the well-being of social classes. (Doc. 4). Since Kemble wrote her account of her journey to Manchester as a dramatist, it asserts that her ideas were merely based on what she personally believed opposed to the truth. (Doc. 4). When Tocqueville uses the phrase “nothing to the directing power of society,” he is affirming the imbalance of Manchester’s industries and exhibits his neutral beliefs through his equitable tone. (Doc. 5). The neutral issues of the industrial expansion of Manchester are manifested on the idea between the mutual quarrels over the concerns. The sources contained a mutual bias regarding the affects of industrialization on the city of Manchester. The issues raised by the Industrial Revolution and the growth of Manchester correlates to the French Revolution. During the French Revolution, democracy was established and large forms of warfare emerged. The French Revolution’s warfare harming the ecosystem relates directly to the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain where pollutants were released into the atmosphere due to factories and workshops. The Industrial Revolution stimulated new ways of advancing technology as it spread throughout Great Britain. The issues raised by the growth of Manchester demonstrate the struggles of the working class and the devastating impact of industrialization on the environment and the will of the

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