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Impacts of industrialization on society
Industrial revolution in England
Impact of industrial revolution on social class
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Industrial Britain was an era of contradiction. Economic growth and innovation existed in great contrast with intensified poverty and class disparity. The technological changes cannot be denied, but it is arguable to what extent these advancements were to the benefit of society or at what cost they came. There was a significant rise in the middle class corresponding to an overall increase in quality of life, yet the lower class plunged deeper into pauperism . The demographics of cities and classes radically changed in this time, but does this correlate to net positive progression? Essentially, the answer to this depends on what perspective one adopts. Numerous contradictions exist in documentations of the time, showing an indelible bias, which
This inclination creates the rigid dichotomy between whether industrialisation was detrimental or beneficial. In fact, industrial Britain had elements of both, but ultimately was just a massive change, catalyzing change across Europe and shaping the future. Industrialisation created benefits and detriments, but it is impossible to objectively compare them. The changes were so vast and varied and affecting many different levels of society that to come to a conclusion, one aspect must be favoured. Major bias exists in discussion of the Industrial Revolution even among its contemporaries. Thus, it is quite impossible to determine empirically whether industrialisation is best described as detrimental or beneficial. Indeed, industrialisation radically changed the way of life in Britain and all of Europe, but the varying changes are intertwined and not able to be separated and compared fairly. Complex change such as this cannot be dissected and scrutinised for good versus bad; the industrial revolution is both and it is neither. It cannot be
The Industrial Revolution began in England during the late 1700s, and by the end of its era, had created an enormous amount of both positive and negative effects on the world in social, economic, and even political ways. The revolution began to spread across the world, raising the standard of life for the populations in both Europe and North America throughout the 1800s. However, even with all of its obvious benefits, its downsides are nonnegotiable, forcing workers into horrendous living and working conditions, all inside of unkempt cities. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because of the railroad system, it was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization’s
The Industrial Revolution had both positive and negative effects on the lives of adults and children during that time period. There are many pros and cons to the Industrial Revolution. Like good news comes first, positives are the highlight of these paragraphs. The Standard of Living was how easy it was to live in the Industrial Revolution. As stated in Document 4, you are surrounded by an infinite number of comforts and conveniences which had no existence two or three centuries ago.
In the nineteenth century, various inventions like the steam engine stimulated demand for products, thus introducing factories and workshops to manufacture those commodities. The popularization of Manchester initiated assorted reactions towards the industrialization of the cities surrounding Great Britain. While the industrial revolution ensued, numerous concerns occurred which all contemplated the affects of factories and industries engaged by the working division of society. As industry began to evolve for the operational lower classes, the positive, negative, and mutual reactions are denoted by various speakers whom were among the diverse social classes of society.
The Industrial Revolution was an era between 1780 and 1850 where new inventions and machinery flourished, replacing human labor with machines in the production and manufacturing of goods. The Cottage Industry helped give rise to the Industrial Revolution with its inventions such as the flying shuttle, spinning jenny, water frame, and spinning mule, all of which were mainly operated by women. This opened new opportunities for women in the working industry but this also introduced working class injustices, gender exploitation, and standard-of-living issues. Women 's experiences in factories reflected the profound social changes of the revolution and continuities with traditional working-class ways of life through their poor working conditions, demoralization, and little reward for their hard work.
The impact of the Industrial Revolution was a positive experience for some, but it was a great difficulty for others. Because of the demands for reform and protection for workers arose, government and unions began to take place. That was how the evils of the Industrial Revolution addressed in England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
The Industrial Revolution was a fundamental change in the production of goods that altered the life of the working class. Similar to most other historical turning points, it had skeptics, or people that doubted the change, and fanatics, people who saw the value in the change being made. The Industrial Revolution and the period that followed shortly after highlight these varying opinions, as people were more conflicted than ever about the costs of industrialization. While Industrialization started in England as an attempt to capitalize on the good fortune they had struck, it quickly developed into a widespread phenomenon that made the product of goods more exact and controlled by higher level people. Many industries, such as the cotton and textile
The industrial revolution had mainly negative effects. The industrial revolution was a time in world history that has technically never ended. It is the time when society started to mass produce goods in order to provide enough goods for the booming population. People started to move from villages to cities where factories were looking for workers. New medical advances were made and people began to live longer. While some might argue that industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because of the increased amount of new and cheaper products, it was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization’s negative effects were the dangerous and sometimes lethal work areas, poor living conditions and cramped housing,
However, before we can make a conclusion of our own, we need to acknowledge the other side of the spectrum. This section will reveal the weaknesses of David Noble’s argument on the notion that workers were being replaced by new technological equipment and they were no longer considered a valuable part of the making of goods and services since, unskilled workers were able to do the same job at a cheaper cost. Lucy Powell, a English politician stated once that “in the industrial revolution Britain led the world in advances that enabled mass production: trade exchanges transportation factory technology and new skills needed for the new industrialized world” (2008, p.1). Basically, mass production allowed for textiles and consumer goods to be sent out to consumers in order for them to be able live a better life. Things that were once not possible for the lower class as well as the middle class were now obtainable all due to the industrial revolution. This opinion goes against what David Noble claimed because, regardless of the new technology that was being presented within various factories and businesses, it allowed for those of a lower class to be able to better their lives. The industrial revolution also allowed for more jobs and skills to be created, which goes against luddism and what Noble stood by. The reason for this
The effects of industrialization were key in determining the state of our country as it is today. Two important effects were the new government regulations and the increasing immigration. The new government regulations are being affected positively by creating laws achieving better hours, better wages, and better working conditions for the employees. The increasing immigration brought diversity of races and removed discrimination in factories but it also caused that cities became overcrowded, dirty and dangerous places due to the violence and the easy expansion of diseases. The basis that built the US was given by the people who worked really hard trying to be treated equally and have the same rights as the others.
Although the Industrial Revolution contributed to life in Great Britain in both positive and negative ways, the origin of the industrialized society bestowed the foundation for the modern world. Contributing to life in Britain by making products and goods more affordable to common citizens and boosting the national economy, the growth of industrialization had an overall upbeat effect on the historical past. Equally, the renovated social class divisions altered the existing layout of ancient civilizations. Seeing that industrialization was benefiting Great Britain, many other countries soon began to replicate the prosperous routine. Industrial developments in the United States and continental Europe were inspired by the booming success of industrialization in relationship to Great Britain’s economy, political state, and social class divisions.
The Industrial Revolution was a time of great change and increased efficiency. No more would be goods be produced by sole means of farming and agriculture, but now by the use of machinery and factories. Technology was beginning to increase along with the food supply as well as the population. However, this increase in population would greatly impact the social aspect of that time. Urbanization was becoming much more widespread. Cities were becoming overwhelmingly crowded and there was an increase in disease as well as harsh child labor. Although child labor would be reduced somewhat due to unions, the Industrial Revolution still contained both it’s positive and negative results.
O'Brien, Patrick, and Roland Quinault, eds. The Industrial Revolution and British Society. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993. Print.
During the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Great Britain went through change in all phases of life with the industrial revolution. Scientific improvements and technological modernizations brought growing industrial and agricultural production. The biggest changes were in rural areas, where the local land sometimes became urban and industrialized because of advances in agriculture and industry.
Another idea that came about in the Industrial Revolution was that of a Middle Class. Previously, there were only two classes. The rich, which included nobility and business owners. The second class was the peasants. This was almost everyone not included in the first class. With the creation of factories, a new class was made. This new middle class consisted of people who worked in places such as factories. People belonging to this calss did not fall into either of the two previous classes. 14
The Industrial Revolution marks a major turning point in history, because before this revolution, life for the average person was difficult, as incomes were very little, and malnourishment and disease were common. People produce the most of their own food, clothing, furniture and tools. Robert E. Lucas, Jr., winner of Nobel Prize, said: ‘’For the first time in history, the living standards of the masses of ordinary people have begun to undergo sustained growth... Nothing remotely like this economic behavior is mentioned by the classical economists, even as a theoretical possibility.’’1.