Essay On The Impact Of Puritanism On American Values

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Puritanism is no longer the dominant religious force in America, but its influence can be still observed on modern American’s lives. As time passed by, its theological effect has disappeared, but the Puritan ethical thoughts continue to exert their influence on the American people’s values, such as individualism, egalitarianism, optimism.
Individualism. Puritanism, seen as a reform of religion, lays foundation for American individualism. Puritans denied Pope’s authority, formed their own church, freed themselves from the severe Catholic rules, having in mind that every one can be his own priest. Seeking for salvation, Puritans strengthened themselves through hard work, self discipline and personal improvement. The strong spirit and self-awareness of Puritans paved the way for the rise of individualism in America, seen now as one of the most important values of modern American people.
Democratic principles. American democracy roots deeply in early American Puritanism, who produced America’s first democratic institution, in the form of town meeting, where every church member was allowed to speak, and decisions were made by majority rule. As I mentioned before, Puritans could form churches, choose their priest and manage by themselves, following the autonomic principle. Years later, in 1776, the Declaration of Independence states the idea that “all men are created equal, that they …show more content…

In my opinion, Puritanism was not only a religious belief, coincident with the very founding of New England, but a philosophy and a way of being the world, combining life values with lived experience, that has reverberated through American life style ever

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