Essay On The Gift Of Family And Life

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The gift of giving is an extraordinary thing to do, that can help both others and yourself. This article is going to be specifically about the gift of family and life, and how it has an impact on individual lives. Many of us have the privilege to grow up with the gift of family, love and a stable home. Throughout our childhood, we have the gift of our parents and guardians. Ones who have provided for us, given us life, and tried their very best to give us anything we needed. However, at some point in life, the roles change and us children have to give back to the ones who once gave to us.
Family is one of life’s greatest gift. Without family, we would not be here. Our parents gave us life and provide for us. My childhood was great and well provided for. If I was sick, my family was there for me. My mother would cook me soup and give me medicine, while my brother was beside me, trying …show more content…

They cheered and expressed how proud of me they were when I got on the honor rolls, received scholarships and so on. However, they were also there to lift me up and encourage me to do better when I didn’t understand something. With my mother working at my school district, she was there to find me help when I needed it. When it came time to applying for colleges and finding the perfect one for me, my family was there to help me decide for the best. Once I found the perfect one at University of Wisconsin-Stout, I choose my career path in Cross-Media Graphics Management. My family was expressed their happiness and got me ready to go off and accomplish all my goals and endeavors. When this milestone came to my life, I realized a couple of things. I realized I was moving away from my family; the one stable home I was given all my life. I was going to be away from all of the love and support I received daily from them. Realizing we are all getting older and life is just starting for

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