Essay On Tea

1103 Words3 Pages

Tea, coffee and cola are three major beverages widely consumed in the world. Tea was found during the early of Chinese civilizations, the use of tea is not tight as a beverages but its use for medicine too (Mckay & Blumberg, 2002). Tea is a beverage made from the young leaves of a plant Camellia Sinensi which originated in Asia (Cabrera, Gimenez, & Lopez, 2003). However, the features of tea from different countries may have different appearance, aroma, and flavor characteristic. In general, tea can classified into four major categories that are green tea, white tea, black tea, and oolong tea (refer to Figure 1 in Appendix 1).
The first type of tea is green tea. It is a regular selected among people because every grocery store offers green tea beverages for sale. Since the ancient Chinese have known about the remedial benefits of tea especially the green tea, this tea become more and more popular because it have a lot of benefits and very tasty. The common structures of green tea depend on plant species (Camellia sinensis var. sinensis or var. assamica), cultivating region, differences in harvest times of tea leaves, and different processing methods. Green tea processed with fresh leaves and the process starts with roasting or steaming to disable polyphenol oxidase activity, particularly catechins, to prevent oxidation (Owuer, 2003). The leaves dried and processed immediately after harvesting so that no fermentation occurs (Reeves, Owuor, & Othieno, 1987).
Nowadays, green tea known as a functional food especially when help to treat diseases, especially overweight. Take a green tea as a regular drinking in every meal time it helps to increase plasma total antioxidant activity in humans and it showed potential for maintaining norm...

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...Rai, 2008).
Oolong tea used to sharpen thinking skills and improve mental alertness. It is also used to prevent cancer, tooth decay, osteoporosis, and heart disease. Some people use oolong tea to treat obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and skin allergies. Oolong tea contains caffeine (Chin, Merves, Goldberger, Sampson, & Edward, 2008). Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system (CNS), heart, and muscles. Drinking oolong tea throughout the day seems to keep up alertness and mental performance. Oolong Tea is also increases metabolic rate and fat oxidation (Rumpler, Seale, Clevidence, Judd, & Wiley, 2001). If the people take too much of oolong tea, more than five cups per day, it can cause side effects because of the caffeine. The side effects are headache, nervousness, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, irregular heartbeat, convulsions, and confusion.

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