Essay On Talcott Parson

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Talcott parson is considering as one of the most influential American sociologist in nineteenth century. He was born in Colorado in December 13, 1902. Talcott earned his Ph.D. in economics and sociology from the University of Heidelberg in Germany. He is the pioneer of laid down the modern factionalist perspective. Functionalism is such a framework that addresses society as a complex system where its constituent elements like traditions, norms, and customs work together as a whole. In a society these elements work together to promote unity and solidarity. In the 1940s and 1950s functionalism approach, arrive at the peak of its influence.
Talcott contributed to our understanding that how the certain values (traditions, institutions, norms and customs) help to promote stability in the society rather than in formation like economic system. For instance, he said successful socialization is strongly concerned with steady and supportive family. He prioritized the role of norms and values particularly while he talked about socialization process. From his perspective, actors are confronting with a variety of situational conditions, such as their own biological makeup and heredity as well as various external ecological constraints that influence the selection of goals and means. Talcott parsons believed that social life characterized by a peaceful cooperation. He believed that only a commitment to common values provides a basis for order in society. Value consensus forms the fundamental integrating principle in society. From shared values, derive common goals. Norms is a specific expression of values. The Importance parsons pla...

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...ept John C. Burnham Body & Society Talcott Parsons, the Sick Role and Chronic Illness, Matthias Zick Varul, Body & Society 2010 16: 72 Conclusion: In this 21st century, medical sociologist from Britain who emphasized theory more than in the USA found the sick role concept of parsons's is still interesting and useful. After reading criticisms of parsons's sick role theory that are some more valid from the others I still think it is important to know his work for understanding not only the past sociological approach of medical practices but also for the vast field of future health care arena.

Parsons revisited: from the sick role to…..?Simon J. Williams University of Warwick, UK, health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine

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