Essay On Socio Economic Issues In South Africa

728 Words2 Pages

Socio economic issues are all the problems we face every day in our daily lives and some of the problems affect our businesses and we should always be ready and be able to face the challenges.
1. An overview of the current state of the problem in South Africa

• Public corruption, weak local government and lack of infrastructure.

South Africa has a problem with corruption starting with our current president and his fellow subordinate that are ruling the different provinces, they are not fixing the lack of infrastructure: such as roads, hospitals, education, health care and electricity supply.

A lot of people in our country are complaining about electricity supply especially in the rural areas. So much corruption in our country that none of the citizens of south Africa don’t know who to trust, the people that we look up to up use our tax money for their own personal use they don’t even get their tasks done e.g. RDP houses and many roads with huge potholes. Hospitals are dirty and are lack nurses and medicine.

South African leaders need to stop thinking about themselves while their country is falling apart because of their corrupt behavior.

2. Causes of the socio-economic problem.

With all the public corruption, weak local government and lack of infrastructure it’s caused by the greed and favoritism. many leaders that are elected that are not suitable for the job. They use the money they suppose to use for fixing our country for personal use and being rich with our tax money.

3. 1. A brief overview of the industry in south Africa relating with following; scope, % GDP,employment,etc).

Kinds of construction projects:
• Buildings
• Heavy civil
• Industrial

There has been a lot of projects la...

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...and then it would also slow down business and delay the deadline which is then bad.

Identifying challenges that the industry faces as a result of the socio-economic problem.

- Market environment
• Suppliers
• Intermediaries
• Competitors

- Macro environment
• Economic
• Physical
• Technological

- Micro environment
• Organizational structure

How to deal with or adapt with the challenges of the Construction industry.

The construction industry is not easy to deal because they are a lot companies that you will compete with. The only way to deal with the challenges that the business faces is to have a background of the business and know how to operate and do a lot of research, have a well trained staff make a market survey and have enough funds.

The report that I have presented to you will help in the near future and is effective in many ways.

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