Essay On School Shootings

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Did you know that there has been 209 school shootings since 2013? School shootings are one of the most terrifying situations you could ever be in. In some cases with school shootings, the reason that they happened was because of lacking the security needed to be safe. There are many different security measures that can be arranged like cameras which help monitor and restrict students, metal detectors, high quality locks, and guards. All schools need to have the proper security to try and avoid school shootings.
In 2013-2014 school year 93% of public schools said that they controlled access to monitoring/locking classroom doors during school hours. 68% of public schools require teachers to wear an ID/badge to get into their schools. 24% of …show more content…

He also claimed that teachers that were able to handle a gun should be able to bring one for protection, he also says its called concealed and carry, where the teacher would have a concealed gun on them. He would have teachers go for training for handling the gun. He also said that he thinks that we need more security, and we need more firearms on school grounds and they also need to take more background checks and we need to learn and study more about mental health illnesses. President Donald Trump says ” if you had a teacher who was adept with the firearm, they could end the attack very quickly”. He also claimed that teachers that were able to handle a gun should be able to bring one for protection, he also says its called concealed and carry, where the teacher would have a concealed gun on them. He would have teachers go for training for handling the gun.
A school shooting that was known as one of the worst massacre for a while was the Columbines school shooting. The shooting happened on April 20, 1999. Killing 13 people, and wounded over 20 people. It happened in Littleton Colorado. The men who did the shooting were named Eric Harris, who was 18, and Dylan Klebold who was 17. After the men were done with the shooting they realized that they were going to be in some serious trouble, they pointed the gun at themselves and commited suicide. This shooting

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