Essay On School Shootings

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So far in 2018 there has been an average of two school shootings every week across the United States (Jeffrey, Courtland). We need to start from the beginning and look to parents to help decrease these numbers. Kids relationships with their parents, holding kids accountable and easy access to firearms at home are all big factors that go into school shooters and need to be taken more seriously. Kids relationships with their parents has a huge impact on the increase of school shootings. A survey was conducted by Gallup News asking people, what is causing the sudden increase in school shootings. In this survey 92% of people said that home life and kids relationships with their parents is the biggest factor. Many kids go home after school and receive no attention from their parents. Although this may not seem like a huge deal, it can have a big impact on a child's life. When a kid is feeling neglected at home they may resort to planning a school shooting to get the attention that they don’t receive at home. Parents need to take responsibility for their kids and show them that they don’t need to act out to get attention. Being themselves is enough. “...children are …show more content…

By having children you’re responsible for teaching them right from wrong and holding them accountable for their actions. Too many kids grow up playing violent video games and don’t realize how different they are from reality. “Studies have shown that these games cause aggressive behavior and can lead to violence,” stated Bill Korach. As parents, teaching your kids that actions you can take in video games are much different from reality is your job. When children act in violence they need to be told that that isn’t how you show your emotions and anger in real life. To help kids make this differentiation they need to spend less time playing violent games and more time exercising and spending time outside (Korach,

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