Essay On Salt And Salt

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I. Introduction
When I hear the words ”bad foods”, I always think of cakes, muffins, ice-cream and so on. But there is something that is almost always there, but it is often hiding. We put it on our fries, on nearly every single protein, and we use it when we boil water. Have you guessed what it is? Salt. It is always there, but we might not always know that it is there (Farley). It is one of those things that we don’t always see, but will affect us in the long run. But why is it that our parents tell us to “not put so much salt on our foods?” Every year, scientists study salt and sodium to see what really is so bad about it and why it is such a big issue for our health. In the case of salt, I think that it is definitely scientists that decide that it is bad but media and newspapers are the ones that bring us the news. In a recent study made in Britain, it was proved that salt strongly increases heart attacks, strokes and especially high blood pressure. So to answer the question, it is bad because a high intake of salt can cause so many cardiovascular diseases and conditions. And there is a only one good way to stop it: by cutting down our intake of salt (Farley). I think that salt is definitely one of the major substances to blame for the rise of hypertension (high blood pressure), and we often don’t know how much we are actually consuming.
II. Hidden in our foods
When you buy a bagel, do you think about how much salt there is in it? To be honest, I really don’t. The only time that I actually think about the fact that there is salt in my food, is when I put it salt on my own food. And you probably didn’t know that there can be twice as much salt in a blueberry muffin then in a bag with chips? And Quoting Thomas A. Farley, a phys...

... middle of paper ... did was a very good thing. They helped cut down hypertension and stroke related deaths and they also proved that salt actually is very dangerous for us. As I said above, there are a lot of consequences from consuming too much sodium or salt. Strokes, heart attacks, kidney failures and especially hypertension can all come if you eat too much salt. Unfortunately, it is so hard to cut down on salt, because there is literally salt in nearly every single food. I think that what we can do as children, is to remember and be aware of the consequences of eating too much salt, and also not always putting salt on our fries our on our potatoes. I myself, love salt, and as some of you know I put a lot of salt on my food. However, after writing this essay and researching this topic, I realize that it is necessary to cut down on my salt intake, for my own best in the future.

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