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Effects of teratogens on fetal development
Genetic impact on fetal development
Effects of teratogens on fetal development
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Chapter 3- Meiosis and Development Prenatal Infection as a Risk Factor for Schizophrenia Focusing on the development of a fetus, there is a lot to acknowledge. The reproduction system is detailed and pregnancy can be compromised easily. As a female who may eventually want to reproduce, the topic of pregnancy is generally interesting. There is a vast amount of information based on pregnancy and fetal development, however I would like to focus on birth defects. Birth defects can arise from several factors such as genetics, teratogens, and prenatal infections. The internal female anatomy that allows for reproduction is extremely particular. Starting in the ovary, otherwise known as the female gamete, eggs or oocytes are produced. These eggs, once fertilized can complete the process of meiosis, where daughter cells are formed. These daughter cells supply the embryo with its chromosomes in order to fully develop. Problems can also arise once sperm fertilizes an egg. Birth defects that follow patterns throughout a family line would be considered genetic or inherited. Teratogens are classified as any substance that may cause negative effects upon a developing fetus or embryo. For instance, substances such as alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy have been widely known to cause birth defects and can even lead to miscarriages. My focus is a study by Alan S. Brown, which proposes that alongside teratogens and genetic makeup, certain prenatal infections are leading to a birth defect that does not appear right at birth, but emerges as an adult: schizophrenia. Prenatal Infection as a Risk Factor for Schizophrenia focuses on the infections that are thought to cause Schizophrenia specifically. “Prenatal infections that have been associated... ... middle of paper ... ...rait” on to offspring, along with the possibility of environmental factors. There are many ways a fetus or embryo can be affected, and the more known causes for problems, the more problems doctors and scientists can prevent. Prenatal Infection as a Risk Factor for Schizophrenia creates a roll model for future studies. The idea of only researching schizophrenia was not my intention, however it gives an example that fetuses are exposed to everything while still in the female uterus. The mother is able to pass on more than just her own chromosomes, all that she does and is exposed to while pregnant will affect the child. While the development of a fetus is complicated and it can be compromised easily, I, along with any other future mothers find this to be a topic of interest. Any measure that can be taken to prevent struggles in a child’s life is worth researching.
Tsuang, M. T., Faraone, S. V., & Glatt, S. J. (2011). Schizophrenia. New York: Oxford University Press.
Pam Jenkins is a 36 year-old woman that is 30 weeks into her third pregnancy. Since her pregnancy began, Pam has gained 20 pounds. Although Pam has reduced the amount that she smokes, she continues to smoke 5 cigarettes per day, which may cause some issues with her worry of another preterm birth. Another factor that could also cause complications is her delayed prenatal vitamin use. After logging her dietary intake within a 24 hour period into SuperTracker, I will be making recommendations on how she can alter her diet and lifestyle to ensure that Pam receives the nutrients she needs for herself and for her baby.
The neurodevelopmental Basis of Schizophrenia. Austin, TX: Landes Co.
... middle of paper ... ... It is quite possible within the realm of psychological theory that the stress of childbirth, coupled with post-partum depression and the mental strain of having to repress her emotions, triggered the schizophrenia.
With the increased rate of integrating In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), there has been a steep inclination within the associated needs of specifications. Observably, the development of babies using scientific measures was initially formulated and specified for developing the diverse range of development associated with the same (Turriziani, 2014). However, these developments are noted to be creating an adverse impact on the natural course of events and subsequently, resulting with an adverse impact on the natural process of the development of babies. The initial integrations within the system of IVF for developing babies have further been initiated with the effective use of science to develop a healthy baby. Hence, the use of such progressions can be argued as not hampering the ethical needs associated with the same. Conversely, the initial progression within the same and the changes in the use of such practices are identified as unethical, as it has been acting as a threat in the natural course of development of embryos and altering the natural course of events, suspected to be imposing significant influence on infant mortality (Turriziani,
There are many factors that are integrated into the successful development of a child from Prenatal growth into toddlerhood. Teratogens (outside factors) have a great impact on the babies’ inutero development. Some outside factors like second-hand smoke, smog, or fumes from cleaning chemicals can cause negative effects on the child inside the womb. A few major affects from teratogens could result in low birth weight, head circumference, slow physical growth as well as an effect on mental, behavioral and motor skills (Berk, 2003). The environment around the mother provides many of these outside factors affecting the baby’s growth. But the main link to teratogens during the gestation period is most likely the mother. Daniel S. Messinger and the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that 2.8% of pregnant women admitted to using illicit drugs during their pregnancy (1996). Through illicit drug use, tobacco use and alcohol use, the mother disrupts her baby’s growth with possibly permanent damage.
Schizophrenia: A guide to the New Research on Causes and Treatments. New York: Macmillan, 1994.
Childbirth is nothing short of a miracle. The placenta—the organ connecting a developing fetus to the uterine wall and allowing for waste elimination, nutrient uptake and gas exchange via the mother's blood supply—filters most harmful substances that threaten an embryo, though some may still pass on to the fetus. These harmful substances, called “teratogens,” range from environmental chemicals to the passing of maternal diseases, and can negatively impact the normal developmental cycle of a fetus. The title “teratogen,” however, effectually refers to any substance or chemical exposure with the potential to cause birth defects in prenatal development. Exposure to teratogens can result in a broad spectrum of physiological and psychological issues in later life, including malformations of the body. (Malformations resulting from exposure to one of the most common teratogens—alcohol—can be observed notoriously in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, or FAS, where patterns of mental and physical defects develop in association with high levels of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.) Though the toxicity of these teratogens is particularly damaging during the fourth through tenth weeks of gestation, teratogens can harm throughout the span of development in the womb.
Recent research has identified three stages of the prodrome. In the first stage of the prodrome, individuals often display the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, including social withdrawal, decline in school functioning, and may also exhibit signs of anxiety or depression (Larson et al., 2010). These individuals also often have a genetic vulnerability to develop schizophrenia, in the form of prior family history of psychosis (Kaur & Cadenhead, 2010). In the ...
There is a definite biological basis for this disease, although it is not totally understood. For a long time schizophrenia was a mystery to doctors and scientists. Virtually any patient with a psychological disorder used to be placed under the expansive umbrella that defined the disease. Poor parenting was a misleading, early excuse for the troubles caused by what is now known to be substantially based in genetics. The most current idea of origin is that this disorder occurs during the crucial beginning months of life, those spent within the womb. Neither ...
The domination of schizophrenia in specific geographical countries suggests a strong association between genetics and schizophrenia’s aetiology. Surveys regarding adopted, by different families, monozygotic twins were made. These surveys were established to investigate the relationship between schizophrenia and genes. The studies showed a potent genetic aetiology. Chances increase by fifty percent to develop schizophrenia once the other twins be diagnose with the disorder. Among schizophrenic patients, having schizophrenic siblings increases the chances of developing schizophrenia by eight percent. Other family studies have showed that 12% of children with schizoph...
National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health. Schizophrenia. 31 Jan 2013. Web. 15 May 2014
One in every thirty-three babies is born with a handicap (“Data & Statistics”). The test for birth defects can be done during pregnancy or after the infant is born (“Data and Statistics”). In 2004-2005, the CDC counted 21 diseases as major birth defects (“Data and Statistics”). The list includes: “Central nervous system defects, Eye defects, Cardiovascular defects, Orofacial defects, Gastrointestinal defects, Musculoskeletal defects, and Chromosomal anomalies” (“Data and Statistics”). 20% of infant deaths are caused by birth defects making it the leading cause of all infant deaths (“Data & Statistics”). These defects can happen as a result of a failed abortion or during a pregnancy after an
Every woman when pregnant has a 3-5% chance of having a baby born with a birth defect, and these chances increase when the developing fetus/ embryos are exposed to teratogens, whether it’s intentional or unintentional (Bethesda (MD), 2006). Teratogens can cause severe birth defects, malformations, or terminate the pregnancy altogether (Jancárková, & Gregor, 2000). The placenta is known as an effective barrier from any detrimental pathogen that can potentially hurt the fetus. The timing of exposure of any teratogen is critical to the impact of prenatal development (Bethesda (MD), 2006). The most vulnerable time of the fetus for severe damage is during early pregnancy when all the major organ and central nervous system (CNS) are developing. Miscarriages have an important role in keeping a pregnancy from evolving when there is something serious going on with the developing fetus/embryo. Miscarriages are more common than we think and are the most familiar type of pregnancy loss (Bethesda (MD), 2006).
To start this off, conception is the action of conceiving a child, and pregnancy is the period from conception to birth. They both share the same meaning: the process of getting pregnant. Conception happens when a sperm penetrates on one of the female’s eggs. Then, at around day 14 of a 28 day cycle, the egg leaves the ovary, and it is surrounded by a protective layer of cells. The fallopian tube is lined with cilia, which helps move the egg towards the womb. This is called ovulation. In the next 12-24 hours, the egg waits to be fertilized by a single sperm. The sperm then swims through the womb to meet the egg in the fallopian tube. And the sperm secretes enzymes to help penetrate the outer layer of the egg. Once the