Essay On Physical Hazards Of Old Age

1021 Words3 Pages

Physical Hazards characteristic of old age are as follows:- i. Diseases & Physical Handicaps: Elderly people are most commonly afflicted by circulatory disturbances, metabolic disorders, involutional mental disorders, disorders of the joints, rheumatism, arthritis, tumors (both benign & malignant) heart disease, hypertension, visual and hearing impairments, gait disorders, and mental & nervous conditions. ii. Malnutrition: To a large extent, in old age, malnutrition is more due to psychological condition than economic causes. The most common psychological causes are lack of appetite, resulting from anxiety and depression, not wanting to eat alone, and food aversions stemming from earlier prejudices. Even when their food intake is not deficient qualitatively or quantitatively, many older people do not get the full value from their food because of mal-absorption resulting from digestive or intestinal disturbances or failure of the endocrine system to function as it formerly did. iii. Dental disorders: Sooner or later most elderly people lose some or all of their teeth. Those who must wear dentures often have difficulty in chewing foods that are rich in proteins, such as meat, and may concentrate on those high in carbohydrates. Chewing difficulties also encourage the swallowing of larger and coarser food masses, which lead to digestive disorders. Ill-fitting dentures or absence of teeth often causes lisping and slurring, which interferes with the older person’s speech, and causes embarrassment. iv. Sexual Deprivation: Sexual deprivation or unfavourable attitudes towards sex in old age affects very much the elderly persons. Happily married elderly people are healthier and live longer than those who have lost a spouse or who become... ... middle of paper ... ...eer community work than women. This may be partly ascribed to the fact that they have become accustomed to being paid for their services and thus resist working for nothing and partly because they associate volunteer work with feminine role. Inspite of feeling guilty for being idle old men often shy away from community activities planned for aged citizens. 2) Very often the social group primarily judge elderly women is a negative way; as physically unattractive, usually in poor health, financially strapped as a result of widowhood. This negative stereotype of elderly women affects their personal and social attitudes and, in turn, their personal and social adjustments. 3) Women, even more than men, find reduced income a hazard to their personal and social adjustments. It is especially serious during widowhood it the husband’s earnings or pension end with his death.

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