Essay On Oneida Indian Tribe

622 Words2 Pages

Are you interested in the people who inhabited America before the Europeans came? Well if you are then this is where you can learn about the Oneida Indian tribe. They are a group of Indians that lived in what is now central New York, Oneida and Madison counties. Now Oneida’s first appearing was sometime in the 1400’s, also Oneida means standing rock. They are also one of the 5 founding Iroquois Confederacy and played a huge American Revolution. Now as you can see the Oneida’s are a very interesting culture, now here is some more about them.
Now a huge part of the Oneida’s history involves the Revolutionary War, sure they are still around but they have remained pretty neutral since the war. One of the major battle’s that they participated in was the Battle of Oriskany. The Battle of Oriskany was part of the Saratoga Campaign which was a plan for the British to take over the Hudson River. The leader of this campaign was Gen. John Burgoyne and he lead 8,000 men. But at the end, the campaign was a fail which lead to an American and Oneida win and a British loss. Now that is when the...

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