Essay On Mnemonic Techniques

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The Effect of the mnemonic technique, Narrative story method on memory recall

Mnemonic devices are techniques used for improving memory. These techniques are frequently used to memorise lists of words. The most common mnemonics are the keyword method, the method of loci, the peg word system, acronyms and acrostics. Each mnemonic has a different purpose, some mnemonics work better than others do at certain tasks. Some are also more successful than others in effectively encoding information into long-term memory (Sternberg, 2009).

Mnemonic techniques have been successful in improving memory recall with younger and older generations of people (Wood & Pratt, 1987). Mnemonics have been successful in helping students learn statistics and memorise material (Stalder& Olson, 2013, Larwin, Larwin & Gorman, 2012). Anjomafrouz and Tajalli (2012) looked at whether the use of mnemonic was effective on classroom environments in Iran by studying both adolescent learners and adult learners. The study focused on vocabulary recall of new English words. Both the adolescent and adult group were divided...

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