Essay On False Memory

1059 Words3 Pages

False memory occurs when an event that never happened is remembered or it differs from reality. This effect can be created using a Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) list. Each list contains 12 words associated with each other, and a critical non-presented word (CNPW) or lure word. Following the presentation of a DRM list, a recognition test shows that participants claim to confidently remember the lure word in great detail, although it was not presented. According to the spreading activation theory, the presentation of a word activates its semantic network, which includes the lure word, during encoding. Therefore, the presented word and the lure word are encoded. Consequently, the more this semantic network is activated through associated words, the greater the false encoding of the lure word. The DRM list activates the critical lure word 12 times. False memory, such as a participant misidentifying a lure word as a presented item, is a consequence …show more content…

The effect of the distractor type and the list type on false memory was examined in a 2 x 3 factorial design. There were three list types based on the order of presentation of the list items with the strongest association to the critical lure word. A strong list consisted of the three most strongly associated words being presented first, while the weak list had those words presented last. Also, there was a random list as a control, which consisted of no manipulation in the order of presentation. Each of these conditions were tested with an emotional distractor being either present or absent. The experimental procedure involved completing the following tasks in the same order 18 times: a DRM list, a 30 second distractor task, and a recall test. Then, a five minute distractor task preceded a recognition test, which consisted of 126 words that were either presented, not presented, or lure

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