Essay On Misrepresented Africa

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Misrepresented Africa
Images have the power to shape the mind of an individual’s knowledge of a place. The world is full of beautiful cities, states, and countries. The large continent of Africa is brought together by fifty-four beautiful countries, but in the media the images misrepresent Africa as a continent. Africa is constantly portrayed as victims of poverty, violence, hunger and diseases. Also, Africans are stereotyped to be uncivilized and uneducated. These images in the media neglect the upside to these countries. The only positive images of Africa that are consistently shown are ones the safaris filled will majestic animals that graze the land. The media chooses to cover the negative side of Africa; they do not focus the achievements …show more content…

These countries have gdps range from $1.058 trillion to $109.4 billion dollars (worldsrichestcountries). There are many movies that don’t show the wealthy, modern cities within Africa. Many photos and movies only show the mud huts, tin roofs, the wild safari and jungle, and a warzone; where everyone lives in poverty. Movies that dumb down Africa’s reality are Congo, Blood Diamond, Hotel Rwanda, and Black Hawk down. These movies only depict uncivilized and undeveloped parts of Africa that are nothing, but warzones. If film makers showed the reality of the other side of Africa, many people would be surprised to see that there are countries and cities that have a modern infrastructure. Many countries have skyscrapers, malls, restaurants, universities, schools, public transportation, businesses, and parks. These cities have electricity, clean water, internet, and phones. There are many people in Africa that live in beautiful homes and apartments, drive luxury cars, and live comfortably. Many people who have money and would be considered middle class in the United States live more than comfortably with housekeepers, drivers, and maids. A few countries that are well developed consist of Cape Town South Africa, Accra, Ghana, and Nairobi, Nigeria (Begbie, Also, many of these countries are a wonderful destination to vacation with beautiful resorts in Kenya, South Africa, Mauritius, Zimbabwe, and Rwanda. The media has implanted terrible images of the lands of Africa and brought fear about the countries within Africa and have truly molded the minds of people to believe that is all Africa has to offer. Along with individuals thinking Africa is poor and undeveloped, the stigma that comes along with that is the ignorance that Africans are

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