Essay On Lord Of The Flies Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs

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Imagine someone all alone stranded on a island not knowing where they are going to home or when they will eat food. Visualize kids stranded having to make there own civilization out of nothing. In WIlliam Golding's novel The Lord Of The Flies Kids become leaders rivals begin to start tribes begin to form and then havoc riecs. The kids needs are all over the place they need to feel loved, acknowledged, and safe and overall they need their standard physical needs. According to a man by the name of Abraham Maslow he has a “ Theory of Human Motivation” it is called the hierarchy of needs it has 7 levels. The hierarchy of needs is used to make sure you have all need to climb it you have to make sure you have every need.

In the book The Lord Of The Flies , the characters all have a need for approval, recognition. Alot comes into play when it comes to seeking approval or at least know that they have somewhat of a big role on the island. Ralph is someone who naturally has leadership qualities but doesn’t expect respect, and recognition. Ralph was the one who always had the conch and called assembly's and set rules. In part of the book Ralph gets fed up with all the littluns not listening to the rules so he calls an assembly, and starts talking about the rules after he finishes his speech ¨the circle of boys broke into applause¨( Golding 23).After the boys broke into applause Ralph felt a breeze of pride he also felt importance because “ we all have what we may call the desire for reputation or prestige, recognition,attention, importance or attention”( Maslow 6). …show more content…

Golding Quotes: As Ralph finishes his speech “ the circle of boys broke Into applause”( Golding

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