Essay On Knowledge Of Knowledge

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Traditionally the word knowledge conjures thoughts of comprehension, intelligence, discovery, realization and information. The following essay is aimed at exploring the notion that knowledge develops through time as well as the way reasoning and perception make the knowledge humans have today much more advanced. Throughout the decades disagreements and curiosity were key for new findings, which eventually led to the discarding of other realizations made in the past. Knowledge is defined as “facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject” (Knowledge). In my opinion, I would also interpret that; knowledge is regarding the accuracy of our acquaintance with existence, more importantly how accurately our concepts and statements represent existence. I believe that the two ways of knowing, reason and perception have greatly helped the development of knowledge in both history and the naturals sciences, but to what extent has knowledge been discarded due to new findings?
Throughout generations, questioning accepted theories or knowledge has led to alternative or even new assumptions in both science and history studies. Paradigm shifts will be the term utilized to refer to significant changes in knowledge. A paradigm shift is an “extensive and flexibly defined assemblage of shared ideas and assumptions” as well as an alteration from an initial thought leading to a different one. “It’s a revolution, a transformation, and a sort of metamorphosis. It just does not happen, but rather it is driven by agents of change.” (Kuhn). The paradigm shifts’ definition implies that knowledge is neither static nor definitive as it is constantly evolving within a flexible frame...

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...wing how our human perception of things quickly shifts. I have looked at various examples in history, religion, mathematics and natural sciences, illustrating how disagreements were the main cause behind the contradiction of past theories. As humans, we constantly find new patterns that manage to reject what we thought we knew while observing past knowledge. However, are most theories discarded to reach a more complete notion of knowledge? I would personally say yes. There is an inherent assumption that with each paradigm shift we gain information and the knowledge developed from such would lead onto a much more complete theory. Therefore, through the process of investigating permutations within paradigms and paradigm shifts, in human and natural sciences, it is clear that knowledge once accepted as knowledge is likely of being discarded as we evolve through time.

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