Essay On Isaac Newton

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Many people have probably heard of Sir Isaac Newton. He is a common household name nowadays, but few people actually understand the extent or value of his contributions to our modern societies. He is known to be one of the most influential scientists and mathematicians of all time (Issac Newton Facts). Many theories and laws that we now take for granted are attributed to the work and research of Sir Isaac Newton. He is especially popular for his laws that govern the natural world around us. Sir Isaac Newton did not confine himself to just one area of research. He was a man of many talents and was well versed in many areas such as Mathematics and Science. Throughout Sir Isaac Newton’s life, he made multiple discoveries and contributions to our modern world including his laws of gravity and motion, the improvements to the telescope, and the formation of calculus.
Newton, like most famous people in our history, had very humble beginnings. He was born on Christmas Day in 1642 in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, England. He grew up very modestly and attended The King’s School in Grantham. He did not do very well in school due to his lack of interest in the studies that were offered. Instead he focused on other out of school projects. In June 1661, he began attending Trinity College in Cambridge. He eventually received a scholarship in 1664. Again, he tended to perform most of his learning outside of school and most of his important contributions and research were formed outside of his schooling. He succeeded his professor, Isaac Barrow, shortly after earning his M.A. He never officially married despite rumors of him being engaged at one point in his life. (ARTICLE ON EARLYLIFE)
Probably one of Newton’s most historic contributions was his l...

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... the slope or derivative of a curve or a function. He also came up with the binomial theorem. This describes the algebraic expansion of powers of a binomial (Mastin). These contributions to math would later help scientists cerate vehicles to launch us into space. Newton’s discoveries were able to aid Einstein in his development of the Theory of Relativity and Nuclear Fission (Tega).
Newton’s life was full of amazing discoveries and contributions. He is definitely one of the greatest scientist and mathematicians to ever live. Many cite him as one of history’s most influential scientist to ever live. Without his achievements, many of the things that we take for granted as common knowledge would not be around. Newton was an amazing and awe-inspiring human being and his work will forever continue to grace us as we build upon his laws and ideas of how the universe works.

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