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The effects of child abuse and neglect
The effects of child abuse and neglect
The effects of child abuse and neglect
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Intellectual Wellness & Me:
I am a very open and fair minded individual. I respect everyone as people who are doing the best they can, and who, for the most part, could have only become what they currently are. This frame of mind helps me to forgive others and separate those who have different beliefs from me from those who actually wish others harm. I believe a small amount of people cause a widely disproportionate amount of pain to many people, and that some of these are psychopaths with no conscience, but the majority are people who were failed by their families, schools, and/or the justice system and do not know how to live a different life. We all began life in the same predicament of not even understanding what was going on and having
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to figure it out as we went along, but not everyone had the biological predisposition or guidance from others to make transitioning to a self-aware, conscientious person a seamless occurrence. I include myself in that latter group. Some of these people end up in jail, where they are warehoused only to come out and commit more crimes against people.
Many are mentally ill and/or addicted to drugs. There is very little rehabilitation. So what does this have to do with intellectual wellness and me?
My major is psychology, and I plan to become a Clinical Psychologist and work in the prison system. It’s my belief that those who commit crimes deserve rehabilitation and a way to express themselves and perhaps find a way to forgive themselves and change. Not only would this help them, but it would reduce recidivism, thereby helping EVERYONE in society.
So how do I plan to do this?
- Graduate this December with my AA.
- Continue to FAU and become a research assistant in an area related to developmental psychology and/or forensic psychology.
- Go on to receive a Doctorate, hopefully from a school in S. FL, where I plan to stay for at least the next few decades.
What will I do during college to start the track to work in the prison system?
- Intern in forensic facilities and psychiatric hospitals throughout my years in college.
- Maintain excellent grades.
- Do an undergraduate honors thesis related to psychology and the prison system.
- Create excellent relationships with professors.
- Take advantage of
mentoring. - Keep up to date on scientific literature. - Continue my own personal therapy Doing this type of work will help others and society in general, but it will also be very personally fulfilling to me. I’ve had periods in my life where I did things like abuse drugs heavily and could have ended up in prison myself. I would have deserved therapy and to learn ways to forgive myself, just as I’ve had outside of prison. Doing this work will keep me intellectually curious and compassionately engaged with those around me, which is my ultimate goal as a person.
I talked to Caleb about the educational requirements for the field and I learned that the corrections field (at least entry level) is relatively easy for one to make entry into. The first step is to simply put your resume and application together and send it in. If you make it past the interview process and get selected, you will begin your initial training. This first phase is a four week stretch that is spent entirely in the class room. After that your probationary year begins and you are put to work in the jail/prison, wherever you were hired. Within that probationary year you have to attend a three week training course in Glynco, GA at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, which consist of more classroom instruction as well as some self-defense instruction. Once you complete that training and make it through your probationary year, you are on your way to moving up in the corrections world.
This paper will argue that post-secondary education is the most effective method of rehabilitation in American prisons. Education is not only cost-effective; it also has proven long-lasting effects on recidivism, employment, and personal growth. The majority of offenders in the American prison system are non-violent perpetrators, many of whom lack the resources for post-secondary education. By providing easily accessible education, offenders will have greater job prospects upon release and an improved sense of morality in connection to social values. Such a system must be slowly integrated into both federal and state prisons nation-wide. Implementation will be assisted by the use of electronic surveillance to monitor inmates, providing them a safer environment and access to the internet for research. In addition to this, online university programs will be used by the inmates to enable studying at recognized institutions. Grants, government-funded loans and public sponsorship are all necessary to provide the monetary funds needed to offer low-income offenders the opportunity to improve their quality of life through education. Access to post-secondary education is essential to improve the lives of non-violent offenders in the American justice system.
...self working in a healthcare facility (hopefully a doctor’s office). In five years I plan to start working on my Bachelor of Science in Health Science Degree. In five years I would’ve gotten the experience and knowledge I need to move forward in the facility.
Well I am for the idea of prison, but I don't support the way our prisons in North America are being run. These people deserve to be punished! I don't want them to waste our money, get "paid" for television interviews, book rights and all the other goodies that come from doing a crime. And then slapped on the hand saying: "You be a good boy/girl now" and sent them off to a place we call prison, but in reality, some of the prisoners, find prison to be just like a strict camp. I have personally talked to some people who had gotten out of prison a few weeks prior to our talk, and they where telling me how they learned how to make certain crafts, learn how to sow, and many other things.
Many correctional education programs focus on prisoner’s way of thinking and ability to make decisions. One of the many reasons criminals keep returning to prison is because they are often times released after many years of being incarcerated and have no assistance while returning to society. Correctional education programs are designed to eliminate such way of thinking so prison re-entry rate will drop. Programs such as Preparing Inmates for Re-Entry through Assistance, Training, and Employment Skills (PIRATES) are developed to reduce offenders’ negative career thoughts and teach essential skills in order to return back to society (Musgrove, Derzis, Shippen, & Brigman, 2012). Additionally, such programs are not only beneficial to offender’s mental health, but can also essentially reduce recidivism rate, lower cost associated with offender’s re-entry, support former incarcerated individuals while returning to society, educate inmates so they can get employed after being released, and potentially reduce crime.
Helping people is also something I enjoy. To me, correctional officers not only take charge over the inmates, but also help them. Arranging counseling meetings, making sure they get where they need to be, and making sure that they have all of their necessities are just a few ways that the officers help make their stay as laid-back as possible. In movies and television shows, prison guards are portrayed as nasty and offensive to the inmates, but that is not permitted in reality. Correctional officers still respect and care for the inmates. Becoming a correctional treatment specialist also appealed to me. According to an article by Kristen Mallegg, “correctional treatment specialists who also may be known as case managers or correctional counselors, counsel offenders and develop rehabilitation plans for them to follow when they are no longer and prison or on parole.” (Mallegg 88) She adds, “They may evaluate inmates using questionnaires and psychological tests. They also work with inmates, probation officers, and staff of other agencies to develop parole and release plans.” (Mallegg 88) This kind of work interests me because I enjoy helping others develop plans of action and giving
I will get my bachelors in this program which is bachelors of science in health and wellness. I will then get more education with more lab involved or more hands on experience to be able to move on to my next move which will be to enter a physical therapy program and I will be there for a few years. When I get enough experience, I will get my certification to be a sports physical therapist and help young or older athletes overcome injuries.
Prison within the society in America has sharply veered towards the idea of mass incarceration. The Prison Policy Initiative (PPI) is a criminal research group that reports on the quantity of people in the United States that are in the prison system, and in 2014 “PPI reckons the United States has roughly 2.4m people locked up, with most of those (1.36m) in state prisons” (J.F. 1). This number is cause for concern when compared to a study of recidivism released among thirty states in 2005 by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) According to BJS, “About two-thirds (67.8%) of released prisoners were arrested for a new crime within 3 years, and three quarters (76.6%) were arrested within 5 years” (BJS 1). The concern is that rehabilitation programs in the United States are not effectively working to introduce an inmate into the general population. The reason inmates are typically repeat offenders is because the United States focuses more on punishment than rehabilitation. While rehabilitation methods do exist, they are not the focus within American prison systems, the ones that do exist are more geared toward manual labor and teaching trades. While this an effective means to teach a skill, this style of rehabilitation fails to address the ideas of empathy, accountability, and effective social interaction. The main focus of prisons in the United States is to maintain order in an inherently hostile environment so that inmates may ‘serve their time.’ The focus should be placed on educating inmates instead of strictly punishing those who are incarcerated.
All over America, crime is on the rise. Every day, every minute, and even every second someone will commit a crime. Now, I invite you to consider that a crime is taking place as you read this paper. "The fraction of the population in the State and Federal prison has increased in every single year for the last 34 years and the rate for imprisonment today is now five times higher than in 1972"(Russell, 2009). Considering that rate along crime is a serious act. These crimes range from robbery, rape, kidnapping, identity theft, abuse, trafficking, assault, and murder. Crime is a major social problem in the United States. While the correctional system was designed to protect society from offenders it also serves two specific functions. First it can serve as a tool for punishing the offender. This involves making the offender pay for his/her crime while serving time in a correctional facility. On the other hand it can serve as a place to rehabilitate the offender as preparation to be successful as they renter society. The U.S correctional system is a quite controversial subject that leads to questions such as how does our correctional system punish offenders? How does our correctional system rehabilitate offenders? Which method is more effective in reducing crime punishment or rehabilitation? Our correctional system has several ways to punish and rehabilitate offenders.
Health psychology is a relatively new concept rapidly growing and could be defined as the biological and psychological influences affect ones behaviour also bringing in social influences of health and illness (MacDonald, 2013). Biological determinants consider genetic and biological factors of an illness whereas psychological determinants focus on the psychological factors such as why people behave the way they do when dealing with issues such as anxiety and stress. Models such as the Health Belief Model and Locus of Control were developed in attempt to try and explain psychological issues around a chronic illness such as breast cancer (Ogden, 2012). Sociological factors can cause an enormous amount of pressure for one to behave in a certain way for example gender roles in society and religious considerations when dealing with health beliefs. Health Beliefs can be defined as one’s own perception to their own personal health and illness and health behaviours (Ogden, 2012). There are also theories and models used to explain pain and coping with diagnosis such as Moos and Schaefer (1984) Crisis theory and Shontz (1975) cycle of grief people go through when being diagnosed with a serious illness.
The United States is leading the world in the number of people incarcerated in prisons. Mass incarceration has become a topic of debate with an estimated 2.3 million people behind bars. All states combined spend over 52 billion on corrections and correction related activities annually (Gorgol & Sponsler, 2011). The US justice system has placed a great deal of focus on locking people up without equally focusing on how to prevent people from revolving in and out of the prison's doors creating an unbalanced system. What can reduce the recidivism rates and help incarcerated individuals successfully reenter society? Higher education is at the forefront of ways to reduce recidivism, and it
After graduation, I planned to relocate back to St. Louis, MO. Also, I planned to further my education, by getting my Master’s Degree at the University of Missouri St. Louis. After receiving my degree, I want to find a career in Child Welfare. In conclusion, I want to live happily ever after with a husband, a few kids, and an amazing career.
While attending college, it is my ultimate goal to become a doctor, either a podiatrist, radiologist, or plastic surgeon. I intend to earn my undergraduate degree at the University of Florida, majoring in chemistry. Then, I plan to attend medical school at the University of Florida, as well. After completing a residency in my specialty, I would like to begin a medical practice somewhere in central Florida.
Mental health refers to the state of individuals psychologically, emotionally and socially. Mental health affects a person’s emotions, feelings, thoughts, and sections when exposed to different situations. Furthermore, mental health is responsible for a person’s reaction to stress and other social conditions. Generally, mental health affects how a person relates to others and their ability to understand and interact with them. Therefore, problems that affect a person’s mental health affect the abilities to socialize, their feelings, moods, reaction to situations. The person experiencing mental health problem may portray different behaviors when confronted with different issues. Mental health issues have several
Health is considered a complete wellness of a body including physical, mental and social well-being and Holistic Health is considered a wellness of a whole body including mind, body and spirit. According to American Holistic Medicine Association “Holistic medicine is the art and science of healing that addresses the whole person – body, mind and spirit” (Wollumbin, page 3). Holistic Health is an alternate way to treat, prevent, and wellness of an illness and achieves the best possible level of health. It focuses on the whole body rather than just symptoms or diseases. It is an approach to heal the physical, psychological, environmental, spiritual, nutritional health of one’s being. For each individual, the definition of holistic health is different and in simple words it is an alternate way of treatment where physical, mental, emotional and spiritual works equally together to attain a health. In western medicine, standard treatment is given with drugs or surgery according to symptoms or diseases or injuries where a doctor or a physician determines the ways of treatment and the patient has to follow the recommendations. Whereas, holistic health is a complete opposite way to treat the illness where patients cooperate in their illnesses, take the responsibility of their treatments, make their own decision for own level of well-being and thoroughly participate in their health care plan.